Why can managers remove other managers?

+2 votes
With ancestors that have more then one profile manager, why can one manager remove another without permision?
in Genealogy Help by Steven Barcomb G2G Crew (400 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

This can only be done on profiles over 300 years old, in the effort to try to clean up the multitudes of duplication existing with some of the "older" profiles. Please read more here: http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Historically-significant_ancestors

~tami, WikiTree Cousin Connector & Community Assistant

by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)
While I can understand the WikiTree personnel doing these sorts of things on profiles that are very old and often shared by many, I was referring to fellow researchers who have requested a merge and then remove you as a manager of that shared ancestor. I think only WikiTree personnel should have this power and that the user being removed should be notified directly with an explanation as to why. Seeing that fellow user "A" has removed you as manager of a part of what for 30 years has been your tree is a bit jarring to say the least and has caused some misconceptions as to what is happening. This in turn results in some unfortunate exchanges between users who do not understand what or why this is happening. (and may not want it too)
+1 vote
Steven is right. One Profile Manager can add and remove other Profile Managers.

This should be done rarely. As Tami notes, it's commonly done with the massively-merged profiles for deep ancestors, but not elsewhere.

A wiki is designed to give users a lot of power and control. An incredible amount, really. System restrictions are always carefully considered and done only when absolutely necessary.

If a couple users are abusing this power, it's better to fix those individual profiles and close the accounts of those users. (Steven, let Tami or me know if this is one of those cases.) If it gets out of control and more users are abusing the power than using it correctly, we may need to shut it down for everyone.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
It was me Lechner-18, had done it several times to that particular line in question in an attempt to clean it up and add removed ancestors from the line.  I always restored access and granted merging again. Line in question.  Dodge-779.  Ancestors removed at top. No response from previous managers. So I bypassed the problem fixed lost ancestors and restored managers.  Current merges are leaving the site in disarray.  Have offered to let Steve Manage the data on that line.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
Chris & Tami,
Thanks for the understanding reply. I believe the situation I was involved with has been worked out between myself and a fellow user. (See above) I have been reinstated as a manager.

I think it might be better if users who wanted to become the main manager of a particular profile had a system like proposing a merge. That way any other users listed as managers could decide amongst themselves if they want to approve one particular user as the manager for this profile.  It would eliminate the surprise factor from the situation. That was really my only issue as it might well be for the best to have the most knowledgeable person manage a given profile instead of six at once.
Michael, I forget, are you involved in any of the user groups for historical ancestors? They might be the perfect forum for the kind of thing you're doing. See http://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Historically-significant_ancestors and contact Lianne@.

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