I need to find the parents of my GGGGrandfather, William Marion Robinson

+2 votes
William Marion Robinson born Sept. 14, 1822 in Tennessee and d. March 14, 1902 in Haralson, Georgia. His parents were both born in North Carolina and I need to know what their names are. I have researched Ancestry.com, Genforum, Mocavo, everywhere. Please help this is very important to me and no one seems to have a Family Bible or any answers. This is my GGGGrandfather and I have to know what his parents names are. Birthdates would be great too, but at least names. Thank you, Judy Moore, Blasoms@gmail.com
in Genealogy Help by
Not sure if this is helpful, but my GG-Grandfather is LP Robinson (no idea what the L stands for, but the P is possibly Pinckney). Census info shows his birthplace in NC and death in Brooks county Georgia. He married Florence Robinson in brooks. Both of them are a dead end/brick wall for me  and I cannot find their parents. He was a confederate soldier, and both are buried in sumner ga
I have to look at my family tree but William Marion Robinson was my ggg grandfather. His son Henry (wife Annie) was my great great grandparents. My great grandparents were John Robinson and his wife Emma Wysner-Robinson (she was Cherokee). I’m sure I have the information you need. I will look for it.

2 Answers

+1 vote
This probably is not  your ancestor but the name matches,  you might start with his parents and siblings and see what you can find.

by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (216k points)
+1 vote
Do you know of your related to a Richard Paul Robinson from Tennesse?  His parents were Luther and Sadie Lemons Robinson. If so email me and I'll give you what little info I have. Thanks.

by Jennifer Tijsma G2G Crew (420 points)

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