Looking for John A McDonald who was born in Canada mid 1800s and moved to Colorado, married Lora Smith.

+1 vote
John was a warden and owned a harness, saddle, bridle shop in Alamosa, Colorado. John died in the very late 1800's/early 1900's. John's son Jessie/Jesse B. 1818- 1891 and then had a daughter Jannet Amelia b. 1891 who married Charles Earl Walsh. Nothing has ever been passed on about John or his family. John and Lora are my grt grnd parents. Thank you, Sue Jorgenson
in Genealogy Help by Living Jorgenson G2G Crew (350 points)

1 Answer

+4 votes

You probably need to correct dates on Jessie - 1818-1891.  Is he a son or brother?

It appears that Lora and John married in 1890 so the above dob doesn't match.  familysearch.org census shows Lora a widow in 1900, so John died prior.  Many miners in that CO area named John McDonald.  One below is a possibility, but not much to go on.

United States, Marriages

Groom's Name:                              John A. Mc Donald

Bride's Name:                                 Lora E. Smith

Marriage Date:                               27 Apr 1890

Marriage Place:                               Saint Augustine Catholic,Antonito,Conejos,Colorado

Indexing Project (Batch) Number: M53978-2

System Origin:                               Colorado-ODM

Source Film Number:                     2695

United States Census, 1900  ED 143 Waukesha city Ward 5-6, Waukesha,

Head               Warren H Smith M    59         WI

Wife                Amelia C Smith  F 56 WI

Daughter         Lora Mcdonald   F 35 WI widowed

Gradau            Jannet Mcdonald   F  9           CO

Mo-in-law       Caroline Haunt   F 74 NY



MCDONALD, JOHN Death Date: 1899 JAN 11
Yrs Mine Exp:
Age at death:
Marital Status:
Surviving children:
County: LAKE
Cause of death/comments: EXPLOSION WARMING POWDER
Burial: No record in Lake Co.



by Chris Hoyt G2G6 Pilot (914k points)
THANK YOU Chris! I have been searching for this marriage cert and even searched the family search site. Thank you for noticing the typo on Jessie's dob. He/she was actually born in 1888 per my grtgrndmothers record. Very telling that the marriage date was 1890 if this is the correct record. My grndma was born in 1891. Unfortunantly we also don't know if Jessie B was male or female. Jesse and Burton were frequently used male family names. My father faintly remembers his mother possibly having a sib but this was never really talked about. My grtgrndmother also left baby pictures of my grndmother and of a nephew (died as a toddler) but no pictures of Jessie B. Hmmm.
John A Mcdonald owned a bridle and saddle shop and worked as a warden at the state prison (per my father) but niether he nor his family was ever spoken of or visited.
Again, thank you for your help, Sue

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