Looking for the parents of Johann Wilhem Henrich Germany b.1835

+2 votes
I am looking for the parents of Johann Henich b.1835 Germany  he and his wife Agnese Klingspor (i am also looking for information on her family)   migrated from Germany to Australia with my GGrandmother Mary Ward nee Henrich  and her siblings ,they came to Mitchell Q.L.D where both her  parents and a sibling were killed while crossing a flooded river leaving Mary and 2 other siblings orphaned  i can not find any information on either of the parents Terry
WikiTree profile: Johann Henrich
in Genealogy Help by Terry Wright G2G6 Pilot (194k points)
edited by Terry Wright

1 Answer

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Ouch, this one's difficult. The husband's given names and surname are all quite common, so without further clues I don't think it will be easy. The surname of his wife may provide better results on say FamilySearch.

W.r.t. names, I recommend changing the middle name to Wilhelm, and trying surname Heinrich too. FamilySearch will probably take care of this. Klingspor looks quite Scandinavian to me, so she may be from Denmark, or maybe even further north.

I assume that you tried ships manifests already, where available.
by anonymous G2G6 Mach 2 (21.8k points)
Hi Enno yes i have search ship manifests  i just can not find any info at all on either of them the only reason i know their names is a family tree book was written about my Grandfather Henry thomas Ward and Mary Ward nee Henrich the the family member that wrote the book has no other information ,its intresting that you say Klingspor could be scandinavian  and thank you for the hints with the names searching FamilySearch it might be one of those family brick walls that never get solved  Terry

Hi Enno i just written my message when i saw your Bingo thank you so much now i might be able to add some more information to their profiles Terry yes

You're welcome. I know that many people underestimate the value of FamilySearch. They had lots of unsourced trees, just like Ancestry, but today the amount of indexed records that they have for Germany is the largest that I know in the world.

We have visited the archive where the film for Feudingen was made, and I also know a fellow Gramps user with parents in the same area. So, should you get stuck, there may be other routes to research too.

Anyway, you know the name of Johann Wilhelm's father now. And I know that I was wrong myself about the Heinrich variant.

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