How do I delete a duplicate person that's been merged?

+10 votes
I added a duplicate profile: Bellamy-1313 (Edward Bellamy) and Bellamy-1326 (Unknown Bellamy). I've merged them and when I click on Unknown Bellamy (Bellamy-1326) it takes me to the profile for Edward Bellamy (Bellamy-1313) BUT the name 'Unknown Bellamy' is still listed as a sibling of Edward Bellamy and a child of his parents, spouse of his wife etc...

How do I delete him? I tried to redo the merge but got the error message: This action cannot be completed because Bellamy-1326 has been merged into another profile. It may be that the merge you are trying to do has already been done by someone else. If you refresh Bellamy-1326 you will be redirected to the merged profile.

I have the same problem with Johanna Murphy Bellamy (Bellamy-1310) and Johanna Bellamy (Bellamy-1316).
WikiTree profile: Edward Bellamy
in WikiTree Help by Roberta Muir G2G3 (3.5k points)

Hello, Roberta!

This is a glitch that pops up every now and then. You will need technical or leader-level assistance to fix it.

Add a tag for bug to your question for quicker response.

how do you add a tag to an already posted question
you can add a tag by editing your original question and making those changes there.

As Dennis says in his answer, this issue is fixed by desconnecting the "ghost version" of the merged away profile.

In the two cases you mentioned, just by desconnecting them from their parents they "disappeared". (Sibling relationships are based in sharing one or both parents).
Thank you all for such quick and helpful answers - and especially for just fixing it for me!
You're welcome Roberta.

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
I fixed it.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
selected by Roberta Muir

... but you leave Bellamy-1316 for me to fix.

: )

Sorry Ruben. My grilled cheese sandwich was smoking. If the smoke alarm goes off, the fire dept will come , we'd have to evac the building, my neighbors will look at me and roll their eyes and snicker.
Eating a burned sandwich is not a good idea.

Enjoy your sandwich Eddie !

Edward was still attached to his spouse, but I just fixed it so Eddie could enjoy his sandwich!

You man need to refresh (press the F5 key on a desktop computer) the page to see the fix.

Scrape scrape scrape

(I need to iron my cheese sandwiches. In college. Not allowed to cook in dorm room. But made cheese sandwiches, wrapped it in aluminum foil, put the iron on high, sit in one the sandwich ten minutes, turn over ,same. Nice and melty)

Oops, I forgot the aluminum foil...

Resultado de imagen para ironing sandwich

+11 votes
As Lindy says, its a bug that happens from time to time -- but its easy to fix...

Simply disconnect them each from the parents, spouse, etc. Then reconnect him.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)
he's connected  to a lot of people (they had big families!) - can a technical person fix it?
I didn't look at the profiles in question, but Eddie said he's fixed it already.

but to answer your question, it depends on where you see the duplication -- you don't have to disconnect everyone. Usually its just one parent or the other (sometimes both). Or sometimes its the spouse.
+6 votes

The profiles for Johanna's/Bellamy-1310 spouses are actually duplicates with slightly different surname spellings: Querruel-2 and Querruell-2. Those profiles will need to be merged after the correct LNAB is established.

The ghost of Johanna's duplicate profile (Bellamy-1316) appears to have moved on to WikiTree Heaven.

edit: Bellamy-1316 was still attached to her other spouse; I fixed that, too. I don't see any duplicate attached to her parents.

Hopefully, we have the problems fixed now, Roberta. Post back if you find more duplicate attachments!


by Lindy Jones G2G6 Pilot (264k points)
Thanks for your help - I've cleared up the Querruel and Querruell issue - now how do I get the 2 Johanna Bellamy's to merge and clear the duplicate. They appear to be partially merged but both still appear as Augustine's wives and the correct one doesn't appear as the mother of all the children

Bellamy-1310 wife of Querruel-2

Hi Lindy

Further duplicates are:

  • Querruel-43
  • Webber-2621
  • Bellamy-1316 (merged with Bellamy-1310)

Can you help clear these duplicates please?

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