Can I make the connection back to one of the sons giambalvo of Baldo or Giambaldo?

+3 votes
The land in Santa Margretta was given to the giambalvos for fighting for Spain. The fathers last name was Baldo and the sons were of Baldo or Giam-baldo whiched morfed into giambalvo. Is it possible that the four clans were already figured out and where do I fit in.
in Genealogy Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

Were you able to find an answer to your question?  Did everything work out ok?

Keith - Integrators Project Leader
by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (648k points)
I did not get any  more info other than I realized that my  direct family of fathers were Anthony and Joseph which seem to back some 500 years.
I know that there is a Giambalvo Family tree done by deceased Aunt Francis Giambalvo Hearn, some 20 years ago. I have yet to find it can you help..
John, we're both working on Giambalvos -- let's collaborate.  Maybe a one-name project?  Reach me at

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