I have been entering data into WikiTree and now have a fairly large amount of our family data in here, from my Mom's side back multiple generations, with even more on my Dad's side. In trying to share it with cousins, I was hoping to download the WikiTree data into separate GedComs that were significant to each side as the Kennedy's/Tooles etc. are not necessarily related to the Hoyt/Davis side except for the current generation so to speak.
I read a lot of instructions and tuturials on the internet and then made an attempt from WikiTree, and did get a GedCom that I guess contains everything I have entered. I was hoping for some kind of 'start here' and 'stop here' option.
Is there a way to do a partial GedCom download from WikiTree? My obvious first choice but I haven't found instructions.
Or is there a way to look at the GedCom file pages and determine where the two different family lines totally diverge or start to converge and put an 'end' and 'start' in the file itself?
Or copy the whole thing into two separate files and delete sections from each? I think that eventually requires the addition of some type of 'start' label and 'end' label line added as well?
I am reluctanct to just 'pick' any random software download for GedComs from the internet because there are just too many choices and no way to tell what might be good or legitimate, or might be a phishing expedition trap, so to speak. I've seen a few horror stories and don't want to go that route.
If any of the above methods might be compatible with the WikiTree download option, I'd appreciate some instructions.
Yes, I have added these cousins to 'trusted lists' but some have found it too overwhelming as their starting point. Or are simply afraid of removing things that don't apply to them and affecting another cousin's files!
Thanks so much for any suggestions you can offer!