Stone Family Association has a dna project on the internet, recording a large group of Kit numbers dys color coded with individual tested y dna markers, easily found in a google search. The recorded finds are playing havoc with my well documented, proven ancestors. For example: William Stone 1608-1683, yellow coded, kit numbers 60829, N80630, haplo group R-M269 has a y-dna profile, also in the same dys color coded, R-M269 is listed a profile on Capt. Simon Stone 2 Jun 1770-23 Dec 1818, kit # 246815 with matching dys markers, his wife Charlotte Hall 1771-1818, dau. of Asa Hall 1752-1825. This Simon Stone 1770-1818 is a descendant of immigrants Simon 1585 and Gregory Stone 1592, children of David Stone (married twice 1. Elizabeth, 2. Ursula). These are two different Stone families, un proven to be related. Now this William Stone 1608-1683 has a brother John 1610-1687, signers of "The 1639 Covenant, New Haven Colony", and William's markers are the same as Eusebius Stone wiki Stone-1692. Go Figure ???-May I Trust Results?