I made a mistake and listed a child as also being the sibling of his mother and aunt, how can I change this?

+3 votes
in Genealogy Help by William Slack G2G Rookie (250 points)
retagged by Tami Mize

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
WOW!!! :-)

I just did this on purpose to see how to fix it.  I made my mother her mother's sister. Then I put it back the right way.  Here's how:

When you make someone the sibling of someone else, it changes their parents to the parents of the one you just connected them to.

First, get the wiki-ID's of the correct parents for the person who's in the wrong family (e.g. Allison-550).

Then bring up the profile of the person who is "misplaced" and click on edit.  On the right side, you'll see links to edit the mother and father.  Click edit and scroll down to where it lets you remove the parent.  Do this with both parents.

Now go back to the profile of the person that was "lost" and you'll see they show no parents.  Click on "add mother," then "add father," using those wiki-ID's you got earlier to put the individual back with the right parents.

Voila!  ...and WHEW! :-)
by Fred Remus G2G6 Mach 4 (45.0k points)
selected by Martyn Grifhorst
Nice answer, Fred.

By the way, a little background: Sibling is an "implied" relationship. If you and I are siblings, are profiles aren't connected. We are both connected to one or both of the same parents. The system then infers that we're siblings.
Thanks for the help but I'm still stuck. The person I'm talking about is Michael Adams (Adams-8430). His parents are listed correctly, but somehow I managed to also listed him as his mothers sister. I think I messed up when I invited him to the tree before adding him to the tree.
Unfortunately, your Michael Adams is a private profile, so I'm not even able to look at the problem.  If you go to his profile and click on the tab for "Profile Public View" you'll see what I mean.
how can I add you to the trusted list so you can see what I mean?
I could do this, since I'm a sysop. But thanks, Fred!
I removed Dorothy and Henry as the parents of Adams-8430. You can now added back whoever the proper parents should be.
Good!  Thanks, Chris.  I'm willing to help when I can but was a bit reluctant about posting my email here.  Could have sent it to William via private message, now that I think about it.  Duh! :-\
Thanks to everyone. I have finally got things straight. I appreciate all the help.
+2 votes
Hi William! First, don't panic :)   Go into the "Edit" tab, and you can change the child's relatives both on the right sides of that edit screen. ~tami
by Tami Mize G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)

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