John Murphy--born about 1809 (possible Cork) Ireland married Elizabeth Edgerton born about 1810 (Welch / Irish)- They-married 1834 Beekmanton NY moved to Stockholm NY that year to farm--- ( I do not know who John Murphy's parents are but he came to NY when he was about 16 years old and was working for Matthew Desmond in Beekmanton NY. John and Elizabeth's children are--Lucy Ann Murphy -b-1838--m-Horace Wadsworth, William Murphy -b-1840 -d- Civil War 1863 Getteysburgh, James Murphy -b-1843, Thomas Newton Murphy -b- 1845 -m- Adele DeLance 1st Addie L. Johnson 2nd, Elizabeth Murphy-b-1847 -m- Samuel Newell Harris, Marietta Murphy -b-1849 -m-1st Charles Keeler 2nd Thomas Brown, John Murphy Jr. -b- about 1853, Henry Murphy -b- about 1854. John Murphy SR. died 1855---Elizabeth (Edgerton) Murphy -m 2nd- Mr ?? Brooks and moved to Michigan with Marietta, John Jr and Henry. Son James is also said to have "gone West" after the war. All Elizabeth's children were born in Stockholm NY. Marietta married Charles Keeler in New England and lived a time in NY before going back to Michigan where her children---Frederick Lacey Keeler and Grace Eudora Keeler--- were born. Marietta married 2nd Thomas Brown in Michigan and he died there. Marietta later moved to VT to live with her daughter Grace (then living in VT) and Marietta -d- in VT 1921. Nothing more is known about John Jr, Henry or James. There was the photo on Thomas Newton Murphys farm in 1906 of the "2 cousins from out West" assumbed to be the daughters of either John Jr or Henry. I have no idea of their names. I hope this helps. //// Jo Ann