Can anyone connect my John N Brown to George Braun(Brown)?

+3 votes
My ancestor was John N Brown b. abt 1799 in NC. Married Sarah Wood in Knox Co. TN. I am trying to connect him to George Braun and Mary Margaret Smith, who are buried at the ols Richland Lutheran Cemetery...located in Randolph Co, NC. George and Mary Margaret had these children:

1.Adam b. abt 1792

2. Maria b. 1801 m. Conrad Staley

3. Conrad b. 1803 m. Helena Eleanor(Nelly) Smith

4.William b. 1807 m. Amelia Cortner

5. Margaret b. 1811 m. Abel HArmon

Other children are:

George Brown b. 1793

Peter b.1795 m. Nancy Walters

John b. abt 1797

Frederick b. abt 1799 m. Sophia Reitzel

Levi b. 1804 m. Nellie Shoe and Eunice Roberson

All these children were born in Guilford Co, NC. Can anyone help me out?

Thank you, Ann Brown Hicks
in Genealogy Help by Ann Hicks G2G Crew (840 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I have many George Brown's in my tree but none born 1793.

Who was his Father?
by Weldon Brown G2G1 (2.0k points)

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