Text in the Notes heading

+9 votes
What is he text in the ==Notes== section of tis profile?
WikiTree profile: William Melton
in The Tree House by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (182k points)

3 Answers

+7 votes
It looks like it came from their GEDCOM import. Looks like the profile needs to be cleaned up.
by Melissa Austin G2G6 Mach 3 (33.8k points)
Because I don't know what the info is about, I am reluctant to delete it.
It appears to be sources and someone notes put altogether. Maybe print them and try to decipher them. I see one part showing land deeds and another appears to be a Will.
+6 votes

A guess whats in the mess

  • FTW
  • REPO
    • GEDCOM tag
      • An institution or person that has the specified item as part of their collection(s).
  • MEDI
    • Identifies information about the media or having to do with the medium in which information is stored.
  • CALN
    • The number used by a repository to identify the specific items in its collections.
by Living Sälgö G2G6 Pilot (308k points)
Is any of this worth keeping.  The first 14 lines are repeats of these items.
If in doubt you can always hide the clutter (in plain sight on the edits page) by placing <!-- in front of it, and --> at the end of it. Makes the profile look SO much better!

>> Is any of this worth keeping.....

was it worth uploading ;-)

  • I feel this profile is created by someone who has uploaded a GEDCOM and given up WikiTree
  • Maybe "same profile" that looks better that you can link to....copy from..... if someone is interested,...
    • GENI William Samuel Melton, IV
    • Rootsweb ID: I00489 Name: William** Samuel Melton , (IV) 
    • PDF looks like him on page 5
    • Our Family history William Samuel Melton 
    • gw.geneanet
    • Hopefully someone of the above has checked the sources and not just copied what they have found......

      Genealogy on internet 2017 feels rather odd..... more text editing than checking sources?!?!?!

@Stephanie Ward as you have version control it adds no meaning using <!---  you can just delete the text

as you find old versions clicking on Changes

I'll give it another go at it.  Most of the profiles for this family have the same clutter problem, but ,Magnus, your help makes it much easier.
Also DAR is likely "Daughters of the American Revolution".
I neatened it up with line breaks, deleted duplicate lines, and source, scan tags.  So it looks clean and I did the same with other family profiles that had the same problem.
+5 votes
Why not copy the whole Notes section into a file, save it as a .pdf, upload it into William's Wikitree profile, and provide a link int the text explaining what you've done. I'm in Virginia (not that it matters) and will be happy to do it for you, if you like.

That way, you get rid of the messy stuff in the profile but still have the information readily available.

by Living Prickett G2G6 Mach 9 (99.4k points)
Get on it, girl ! ! !  I'm gong through the PDF, Yikes, what a load of info.  My Wiki family is going to have to wait.  This could take all day, but it's COLD out (21 degrees) and this girl is staying indoors, typing.
I don't understand why you're typing -- why not just highlight it and copy and paste into your word processing file, and save as a .pdf???


What added value are you getting moving around the mess to a PDF??

You have version control in a wiki see link for all old changes.....

  1. If good genealogy is priority
    1. check sources
    2. do research 
    3. add citations that other people understand
  2. if get rid of the mess is prio
    1. Delete it and add a note 
      1. that the next researcher should check in the change log for messy GEDCOM import...
Well, you get it out of the way and it's much easier to access than going thru the change log.


Yes for the reader its gone but it is much more confusing for the next person editing....
What is "gome"??
 How is it "much more confusing for the next person editing"?
It seems to me it's less confusing. Pat

Yes but you are not the only one editing on WikiTree

Most people don't know about <!-- ==> they open an "empty" document and they see the following....

<!--Title:  Godfrey Memorial Library, comp., American Genealogical-Biographical Ind ex (AGBI) (Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network , Inc., 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealo gical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT NOTE_SUBQ: Godfrey Memorial Library, comp., American Genealogical-Biographical Ind ex (AGBI)  _BIBL: Godfrey Memorial Library, comp. American Genealogical-Biographical Inde x (AGBI). Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, I nc., 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogic al-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.Or iginal data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Gen. -->

version management in Wikitree is a good thing and something people should learn.... compare a system like FindAGrave with no change management.... today Project Database Error at least generates an error when something has changed at FindAGrave that we earlier "agreed" on.... 


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