Is there a convention for listing Welsh first/last names that include the form "ap"?

+14 votes
For instance, I have an ancestor name Foulke ap Thomas Lloyd. I assume the last name is Foulke, the first is Thomas, and Lloyd is middle. Is this correct? Do I include the "ap" connector anywhere in the Profile?
in Policy and Style by David Murphey G2G1 (1.7k points)
retagged by John Atkinson
Hi David, I've added the cymru tag as this is the project that looks after medieval Welsh profiles.
ap Thomas Lloyd would be the "last name at birth".  Lloyd is probably an additional name that Thomas acquired, or could be the name of Thomas' own father, but if he was known as Thomas Lloyd at the time Foulke was born, then ap Thomas Lloyd would be the correct patronymic, meaning "son of Thomas Lloyd."

3 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer

There are some Welsh naming guidelines but these are for medieval profiles, and I'm not sure which era Foulke ap Thomas Lloyd is from?

However from those guidelines, I would think that Foulke is the first name, 'ap Thomas Lloyd' indicates 'son of Thomas Lloyd' which may mean that the family has now adopted the surname Lloyd?  Again this would depend on when Foulke lived.

by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (656k points)
selected by Liz Shifflett
+6 votes
It refers that Foulke was the son of Thomas Lloyd.
by James van der Hoop G2G5 (5.2k points)
+7 votes
David, "ap" means "son of" (v/ferch means "daughter of"). So Foulke ap Thomas Lloyd would be Foulke, son of Thomas Lloyd.
by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (331k points)

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