i would like to know something about my genealogy, i only know my parents and my grandfather on my fathers side.

+6 votes
My parents name is Martha Joann Bradshaw born 12/10/1951 in texas, father dob (unsure) Dickie Ray Bullard also texas, Grandfather Mack R Bullard dob 4-30-1916 DoD 4-17-2005 in runnels county
in Genealogy Help by
Name: Martha Joann Bradshaw
Date of Birth: 10 Dec 1951
Gender: Female
Birth County: Runnels
Father's Name: Belle Bradshaw
Mother's name: Jessie Olera Walker
Roll Number: 1951_0002

From Texas Birth Index.

Name: Dickie Ray Bullard
Date of Birth: 12 Jul 1951
Gender: Male
Birth County: Runnels
Father's Name: Mack Riley Bullard
Mother's name: Juanita Bernell Baxter


1940 US Census

Name: Mack Bullard
Age: 24
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1916
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Texas
Marital Status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Johnson, Texas
Map of Home in 1940: View Map
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Rural, Johnson, Texas
Residence in 1935: Rural, Johnson, Texas
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Sheet Number: 8B
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 158
Occupation: Laborer
House Owned or Rented: Rented
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 2
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 5th grade
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 50
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
Income: 175
Income Other Sources: No
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Mack Bullard 24
Hazel Bullard 16
Dewey D Bullard 0

6 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Starting with what you know you can move back to find the things you do not know.

If you have any living relatives ask them for information, you may get some clues about where to look. From the information you gave I can see you will need some official records, vital records of bith, marriage and death should get you more information.

The death record of your grandfather will confirm several things, one of which is his name, Mack is possibly the name he was known by and could be short for several 'official' names. Birth recodes for him and your mother will give you their parents names. Her marriage certificate may need some imagination to find, assume she married sometime after her 20th birthday and sometime a year before the birth of her first child, you may need to guess where they could have married. Once you have that record you will have your fathe dob and real first name.

Census information for your grandfather may provide more clues. Each time you get a new name with dates and places you can check on wikitree to see if they are here, which will eventually conect you to our tree.
by Living Geleick G2G6 Pilot (232k points)
selected by Terry Wright
+4 votes
Hi. I did a very quick search on ancestry.com and found this for you -

Martha Joann Bradshaw born 12/10/1951 in Runnels County, Texas. Father's name: Belle Bradshaw, mother's name: Jessie Olera Walker.

I also found a marriage record (wedding date Aug. 1, 1969) for Martha Joann Bradshaw and Dickie R. Bullard. Dickie's age is given as 18 with a birth date of about 1951 and Martha is listed as being 17 years old.

Birth record of Dickie Ray Bullard - July 12, 1951 in Runnels County, Texas. Father's name: Mack Ray Bullard. Mother's name: Juanita Bernell Baxter.

This isn't a lot, but it's a good spot to start. I suggest looking online for a historical or genealogy society for Runnels County. If you live there or are close to it, go visit them and ask for assistance. If you are a distance away, contact them and ask what they may be able to do to help you. Some societies assist for free, many require a small fee. There are also places on the internet like Cyndi'sList.com which allow you to contact or search a large number of places for free.

I truely hope this helps you.
by Becky Landis G2G Crew (510 points)
+4 votes

Find A Grave Memorial# 10860317


Birth:  Apr. 30, 1916
Shackelford County
Texas, USA
Death:  Apr. 17, 2005
Runnels County
Texas, USA
Married Juanita Baxter October 8, 1938, in Ballinger. They moved to Winters, he was a carpenter in and around Winters.
He was a Baptist.
Survived by his wife Juanita, his children William Roy Bullard, Neita Heathcott, James Riley Bullard, Velma Sudduth, Richard Bullard and Dickie Bullard. 18 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren.Services were 2:00 PM April 20,in Winters Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Barry Taylor Officiating. 



by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+4 votes
There is a family tree on Ancestry.Com  named A Tree Grows in Texas, owned by GonetoTXas, that has many family members & photos.
by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
+3 votes

  You'll have to start with getting all the information you can on the persons you know, then asking anyone else who would have information (i.e. neighbor, family friends). Take the information you've gathered and start searching for records. Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses, Death Certificates, Divorces Records, Social Security Death Indexes, Obituaries, Cemetary Records, etc. There are many places and tools to do searches. (i.e. Google, Family Search, Find a grave, newspaper archives, WikiTree, Ancestry.com, Libraries, military records, etc.)

Start with Yourself, then your parents, then Grand Parents and so on.This investigation will likely generate information you can use to get farther along with your ancestry.

My personal advise would be to Verify, Verify, and yes, Verify some more as you go.

Also as your searching remember that female surnames tend to change with life events like marriage and male surnames generally do not change. Also the farther back you go Surnames in general tend to be spelled in variations (i.e. by phonics) meaning spelled the way they sound instead of the proper spelling. So verifying with other identifier would be necessary.

Hope this helps.

by Living Deem G2G1 (1.3k points)
+3 votes
Dickie Bullard is my uncle, as well as Mack Bullard being my grandfather. I can give you all of the information that you are needing if you would like to contact me.
please send the info

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