This GED import is a mess, it's been abandoned of course. I may adopt it if I can sort it out. (Edit: as Chris said in earlier reply.. this is likely a bunch of families mashed together, there are children older than parents, etc.)
Here are results for Angus MacDonald in Inverness area (I'm from this area so I'm trying my best to sort these out)
1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Broad Cove Marsh
Angus MacDonald (45) no children, living with Brother John (50) MacDonald who has a wife Jessie (47) and children Alexander, John, Janet, James, and Flory.
1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Port Hood
Angus MacDonald (44) wife Sarah (36) children Margaret, and John Angus.
1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Creignish
Angus MacDonald (43) wife Christy (50) children Mary, Sarah Ann, Lexie
There are also no fewer than 5 or 6 other Angus MacDonald's in adjacent counties in Nova Scotia at this time. Absolutely no sign of a H. Joseph or any other "H" name for that matter, or even a Joseph (which is surprising).
Edit: You may want to check out NS Vital Statistics ( it's an incomplete record but it does have Births, Deaths, and Marriages. You may find the person you're looking for. There are 47 (recorded) Angus MacDonalds born in Inverness County between 1860 and 1914