Angus Og McDonald - Canada Census Info

+5 votes
Any MacDonald/McDonald researchers have information regarding children of this Profile; or can someone with Ancestry Account view these census sources?  Do these children appear on Canada Census? (1838-1967)

I am particulary interested in H. Joseph Macdonald - shown as son -- may be daughter. (see research notes this profile)

Canada Archives 1911 does not show any results for Angus or H. Joseph (unable to match up to FHC)

Thanks for any help you can provide.
WikiTree profile: Angus Macdonald
in Genealogy Help by Sandy Edwards G2G6 Mach 8 (81.2k points)

5 Answers

+6 votes

My guess is this profile might have multiple people by the same names confused. There was an Angus MacDonald who married a Mary MacDonald in Dedham, MA in 1899. They had two children: Donald Edward (b. 1904) and John (b. 1901).

by Chris Rickerd G2G3 (3.4k points)
+5 votes

This is the one link in the profile that goes to a Census.

1891, Sydney, Nova Scotia:

  • MacDonald, Alexander, 55, b Scotland, house carpenter
  • Catherine, 45, his wife, b Scotland
  • John S, 22, b Nova Scotia
  • Catherine, 21
  • Murdoch, 19
  • Phillip, 18
  • Casey, 15
  • Allan, 14
  • Duncan, 13
  • Christy A, 11
  • John A, 10
  • Dougall, 8 
  • Malcolm, 5
by Christine Daniels G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
+5 votes
This GED import is a mess, it's been abandoned of course. I may adopt it if I can sort it out. (Edit: as Chris said in earlier reply.. this is likely a bunch of families mashed together, there are children older than parents, etc.)

Here are results for Angus MacDonald in Inverness area (I'm from this area so I'm trying my best to sort these out)

1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Broad Cove Marsh
Angus MacDonald (45) no children, living with Brother John (50) MacDonald who has a wife Jessie (47) and children Alexander, John, Janet, James, and Flory.

1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Port Hood
Angus MacDonald (44) wife Sarah (36) children Margaret, and John Angus.

1911 Census - NS - Inverness - Creignish
Angus MacDonald (43) wife Christy (50) children Mary, Sarah Ann, Lexie

There are also no fewer than 5 or 6 other Angus MacDonald's in adjacent counties in Nova Scotia at this time. Absolutely no sign of a H. Joseph or any other "H" name for that matter, or even a Joseph (which is surprising).

Edit: You may want to check out NS Vital Statistics ( it's an incomplete record but it does have Births, Deaths, and Marriages. You may find the person you're looking for. There are 47 (recorded) Angus MacDonalds born in Inverness County between 1860 and 1914
by Keenan Sutherland G2G5 (5.0k points)
edited by Keenan Sutherland
Thanks Keenan - found death cert - spouse listed as Christy (mother Maclean).  It gets easier when you know what you are looking for.


+4 votes

Thanks very much to all of you.  This was pretty much my conclusion also.  It would appear that these children attached to H Joseph should be children of Alexander and Catherine (most probable also brother as this Alexander also seems to have a brother named Ranald)

I have found a lot of errors in the import of Sheppard_Duncan_Bickham_Stroud.ged on 01 February 2011 (not only here, but especially relating to Duncan's (which I am much more familiar and know for a fact to be bad data)

I am happy to try some cleanup here as I have already spent a lot of time trying to validate info.  I agree it is very messy; If everyone is OK with that, I will give it a try.  Jump in with any mods or updates that apply.  I suggest merging as applicable and or re-attaching based on "sources";; i.e., Getting the children to specific parents where supported.

There does seem to be evidence of children of Angus m. Mary Macdonald (aka Mcdonnell)

  • John MacDonald, 1887
  • Mary MacDonald, 1892
  • Colin MacDonald, 1851 (FHC MA Deaths)
  • John Macdonald and 1901 (MA US Census Support)
  • Edward Macdonald 1905 (MA US Census Support)
From some of my other searches re Cape Breton  (other researchers), it looks like Angus (and family) came from Scotland to Nova Scotia then into the NY MA area, and possibly back to Canada or MA -- No valid proof that I have found that he died in Michigan - Canada or MA
It seems most likely that H. Joseph is in fact a son of brother Ranald Macdonald and Jenet Mcdonald who is named Hugh Joseph and should be male vs female; b. 1885
by Sandy Edwards G2G6 Mach 8 (81.2k points)
+3 votes

A bit more help if you can spare the time -- could someone search Ancestry (I do not have an account so cannot access) to see if there is an Angus (died Michigan) is there and whether or not there is any text that gives info on him (that would point to the MA Angus) as well as "Ancestors"  Info ( Angus Macdonald and John Macdonald as Brothers - what basis  -- have sent message to PM but no response yet).Possibly this relates to the immigration date of 1891 (but doubtful)

Here is what I suspect -- they were trying to tie him to the Flora Macdonald of Milton; (i.e., reference of Ranald the Younger and Angus Og) family  

The MA Marriage indicates parents are Alexander Macdonald and Flora Ferguson vs Angus/Maclean;   Searches in Canada show Angus/Maclean with births of 10 children (right timeframe) which include Angus, Alexander and Ranald.  (all children born NS Inverness - Antigonish Catholic Diocese) - pretty sure this is where he fits 

- Many Angus Macdonald/ Mary Macdonald marriages so still looking here for a Catholic/Antigonish/Inverness fit

Cleanup in progress - Have stripped out Ancestry Junk and retained only Source info for reference purposes (see Profile).

Thanks for any additional help you can provide.

Regards, Sandy

by Sandy Edwards G2G6 Mach 8 (81.2k points)

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