Parents of Ellen Louisa Davis who married Charles Glass in 1889, please

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in Genealogy Help by
what country????

2 Answers

+1 vote
Could you give alittle more pertinant information.  For example, area of which they lived.
by Jamie Lynn Henderson G2G Rookie (260 points)
+1 vote
They lived in Hackney area of London and Ellen's address on marriage certificate looks like Broke road which I cannot find. I had originally thought her father was Stephen Davis (as stated on her marriage certificate to Charles) who married a Mary Ann Jenkins because everything seemed to fit, but they would have been both nearly 60 when they had her so very unlikely and can find no other Stephen Davis, father of an Ellen Louise.  Ellen also had a brother Henry born about 1860. Any help would be much appreciated
I didnt have luck finding your Stephan Davis.  I searched several websites and it cast a big net.  However, re Broke rd....was it maybe Brooke rd which is in teh hackney district.
Thanks anyway. It could be Brooke road, but I have found that there was a St Pauls church in a Broke road but both seem to no longer exist. The only possibility I have found as to Ellen Louisa's parents is a William Davis who had a daughter Ellen and a son Henry, but he was a labourer and the Father on Ellen's marriage certificate (Stephen) is an Ivory turner.

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