Who were the real parents of Bea Elizabeth Dalton Phillips?

+3 votes

Hello out there:

According to numerous sources, Bea Elizabeth Dalton Phillips was not a child of James and Adeline Dalton. Please read the entry here: http://mykindred.com/cloud/TX/getperson.php?personID=I186034&tree=mykindred01

From sources that I trust, there are only 14 children of Adeline and James Dalton which are included alongside Bea Elizabeth. Unfortunately, there are many sources out there that have mistakenly added her to the children (making it 15). Of course, this has made it a bit difficult in parsing out the truth from this elaborate attempt to make a connection to the outlaws where one does not exist.

Any help in finding her accurate parents would be appreciated.



WikiTree profile: Bea Phillips
in Genealogy Help by Ron Norman G2G6 Mach 4 (48.0k points)
edited by Jillaine Smith

3 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Ron, You have her death date, do you not have her death record? Looks like you'll have to do more digging to find her marriage record, or as Mary suggests, an obituary.
by Bobbie Hall G2G6 Pilot (378k points)
selected by Michelle Hartley
Jay read the link to kindred spirits web site which explains the fraud.  Given that information, looks like her birth and death dates should be changed to estimated--abt 1856; abt 1894.  

If I were working on this, I'd seek her marriage record and be cautious of anything that wasn't an original.

Fascinating lesson for all of us.
+2 votes
The easiest way to gain the truth is find a documented source of a record, such as an obit or death record.  If she doesn't show up in the censuses around when her parents were living, then it proves she is not of that family.
by Living Hammond G2G6 Mach 8 (88.0k points)
In most cases, this would be correct. It is made more difficult in this case where the death certificate was apparently filed late and had evidence of forgeries. I am not sure there will ever be an answer to this question as there has been much effort on the part of this person's grandson to make a connection where one did not exist.
Someone not showing up in census records isn't proof someone wasn't part of a family. Census Makers made mistakes all the time. She could have been elsewhere if she exhisted when the census was taken. There are many reasons someone wouldn't show up in the census.
That is very true. It is not solely based on her absence in the census records that I (and others) came to this conclusion. Other sources have also pointed to doubt of this person existing in the family. There was an interview that appeared in a newspaper at the time in which the person spoke of all the members of the family, but did not mention this individual. As mentioned earlier the death certificate for this individual was full of errors and impossibilities (containing the state seal of Oklahoma prior to OK's statehood).

Thanks Ron. Understand. I was just trying to point out that one shouldn't rely the census record as being proof. Not just in this particular case. Interesting story though. My ancestor was the conductor on a train during one of Jesse James robberies and Jesse shot him and killed him.frown


Censuses can be used as a secondary source.  I thought Jesse James was shot by Robert Ford?
my ancestor was shot by Jesse James.
my apologies.  I misunderstood.

No need I didn't explain it very well.smiley

Thanks Michelle for your input. I am descended from the adopted son of Emmett and Julia Dalton. Emmett was the only one to survive the attempted robbery of the banks in Coffeyville.
+1 vote
I may have some interesting history on the Phillips and Johnson names.  I was informed that Phillips was a slave ship cargo businessman and Johnson was in charge of providing headright breeding slaves to various owners who wanted more land.  I have an extensive list of phillips, phillipses and various spellings that might be helpful to you.  My Phillips line comes out of Pennsylvania and ends in Arkansas. Many headright breeders were native american shipped to Barbardos and brought back as slaves from elsewhere.
by Pat Elton G2G Crew (350 points)

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