Is there a full specification of the GEDCOM import process?

0 votes
I am generating my own GEDCOM from my custom database, so can optimise it.  I have entered a person and expeorted as GEDCOM to have an example.  But...

Do places in the GEDCOM get created as Categories in WikiTree?  Or do they just appear in the birth and marriage text fields?

I gather images in the GEDCOM are not created in WikiTree.  Are they simply ignored?

The WikiTree export file has wikitree.user_id and wikitree.page_id reference numbers and URL.  I assume that these are created at import and should not be in my file.

The answer above says that "everything else ends up in the body of the page".  Is there a description of "everything else"?
in Genealogy Help by David Morgan G2G Crew (700 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi David,

We don't have the full specs written out anywhere. That would be a good idea. I can answer your questions, though.

Categories are not automatically created.

Images aren't included. They will be referenced in the body of the profiles if they're referenced in the GEDCOM.

You are right that the WikiTree IDs can be ignored.

"Everything else" means everything else. :-) Our goal with the import is not to lose any information from the GEDCOM. If there's not a field for something in the database, it's left in the text of the profiles.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

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