I have found a pretty convincing though short news article that seems to provide a clear statement that the previously mentioned short-lived marriage between Eleanore Hill and Al Trizzino actually occurred between October 1946 and October 1947, at the latest. The article is a list of requested divorces in the Columbus area as seen in the Columbus Dispatch Wednesday, March 19, 1947 edition on page 24. A later article from the same publication dated Friday, August 22, 1947 officially states that the couple had been granted an annulment, although Al Trizzino is listed as Al "Frizzino" instead but it is very clear that this is my grandfather and the woman that could have been my grandmother if things had been different.
Anybody know of a way to document this outside of the biography section of both individuals or is it not even worth documenting as the marriage was barely over six months long?