Help with Jacomina Francina Florentina Coetzee/Kotze/Kotzee

+3 votes
Does anyone have the SAG or SAF with the Coetzees?

I am having trouble finding more information on this ancestor of mine. According to her death notice her father was Jacobus Coetzee and her mother was Maria Magrita Louw?

Her death notice states she was born in Graaff-Reinet but I have been unsuccessful to find her baptismal record

Maybe she is listed in the SAG.
in Genealogy Help by Leon Bezuidenhout G2G6 Mach 2 (24.9k points)

I have a Franzina Jacomina Kotzee in my family, but she was born much later (1890) than the one you may be looking for.  Nevertheless, since this is not a common name, I wonder if there is some connection.  I am also looking for the full name of her father who died in the Anglo Boer War or for her mother’s maiden name.  I found my grandmother’s name (Franzina’s sister) and the rest of her siblings and their mother in the concentration camp records at Mafeking.


Thanks Riana. I think you are right. They may very well be related.

It needs more research.

Hi Leon

I did some research today ... still no concrete proof.


My guess and feeling is that [[Kotze-292|Jacomina Francina Florentina Kotze]] is the daughter of   [[Kotzee-73|Johannis Fredrik Gidion Kotzee]] .

This is a difficult one, but I am confident we will get this solved. 

Lets see where we end with this.


Can anyone please help to confirm the "mother's"LNAB as stated on Jacomina's death notice. Could be Louw or Loren?





Thanks Susan

Yes, it is tough. I went through most death notices I could find that could be a parent, but no success.
We will keep on digging, somewhere we have to get something. There is also the option that this is not her baptismal names. Had that a few times in the CoGH project. Along the line they add or dismiss names :)

Maybe you should start looking at the names individually.

2 Answers

+3 votes

Hi Leon

This is all I find in SAG.

f4 Johannes Hermanus * 6.7.1819 = Uitenhage 26.7.1819 x Francina Jacomina Florentina KOTZE

g3  Francina Jacomina Florentina x Albanie 28.4.1861 Stephanus VAN DER MERWE (Willem-sn)

I dont find her in the Coetzee / see or Kotze families


Hier is dalk 'n leidraad - ek kry 'n 

e6 (BOTHA) Maria Margaretha = 2.1.1802 x Graaff Reinet 4.8.1816 Dirk Jacobus COETZEE

e2 Dirk Jacobus J 14.3.1796 x Graaff-Reinet 4.8.1816 Maria Margaretha BOTHA XX Hester KRUGER * 12.8.1821 = Cradock 26.12.1821 d.v. Gerrit Kruger en Johanna Margaretha Lessing

Dit is ongelukkig al wat ek in die SAG bundels kry. 

Iets wat vir my baie snaaks is, is dat daar geen Dirk voorkom in die Bezuidenhout kinders se name nie. ;)

Ek sal kyk of ek nog iets kan opspoor



by Susanna Hendrina Elisa de Bruyn G2G6 Mach 6 (64.5k points)
Ja, daar is ook geen Jacobus nie.
+2 votes
Hello Leon

Ek het 'n redelike groot Kotze-databasis, en 'n vrouenaam met "Florentina" in is maar redelik dun gesaai. daarin Ek kry nie 'n Jacomina Francina Florentina nie, maar wel 'n Francina Jacomina Florentina Kotze (dit is dieselfde profiel as wat Susan de Bruyn (elders) aangewys het).

Ek het Jacomina Francina Florentina ook al raakgeloop as Kotze of Coetzee. My (huidige) opinie is egter dat sy Coetzee eerder as Kotze was. Ek is egter nie 'n Coetzee-kenner nie, so kan nie daarop veel bydra nie.

Dit is dalk die moeite werk as iemand wat akses tot die Louw SAF/SAG register het, vir die ma kan naslaan.

(Vir wat dit werd is, kyk ook na:

Ek het die dame in my "Ongekoppelde" Kotzes databasis (agv die website soos hierbo) en sal jou wel laat weet as ek bevestiging al dan nie van Kotze kry.

Voorspoed met jou navorsing.

Marietjie Kotze
by Marietjie Kotze G2G Crew (750 points)
Dankie Marietjie


Dit bly maar 'n raaisel.

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