Can you categorize a photo?

+3 votes
How would you categorize a cemetery photo?  Where would you put the code for the category?

Example of what I'd like to do:

[[Category:Riverview Cemetery, Seymour, Indiana]]

The page , the Category page for Riverview, would be like a reading of the cemetery.  I'm not sure how it works exactly.  Would or could other peoples burials in that cemetery show on the Category page for the cemetery, or is it just your own ancestors?  

Should I do this or do the categories need to be larger events?
in Policy and Style by Sheri Bush G2G4 (4.1k points)
recategorized by Chris Whitten

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Great question, Sheri. I'm so glad you're interested in doing this. We'd love to have you participating in the Categorization Project, like Keith mentioned.

Unfortunately, no, photos cannot be categorized.

Is this a photo of a gravestone or a larger picture of the cemetery?

Here's what I would do:

  1. Create a free-space profile named Riverview Cemetery.
  2. Put general photos on that cemetery page. You could also put headstones there, along with on the appropriate person's profile.
  3. Categorize the Riverview Cemetery page under [[Category:Seymour, Indiana]] and [[Category:Indiana Cemeteries]].

We've actually been discussing how narrow the cemetery categories should be, i.e. if you should have state categories for cemeteries, county categories, or city categories. Check out this thread on the Categorization Project Talk page.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
selected by Keith Baker
If you want the cleanest categorization, I have to say that most cemeteries lay outside of city limits.  Indicating a county could cover them more clearly, by state only makes more sense.  I will further muddy the water by saying that I know of two Mt. Pleasant cemeteries in Indiana, and that is just off the top of my head.  Bet there are many repeats of some names.  
I'm sorry.  It got more complicated as I gave it more thought.
It always gets complicated when you dig in! Did you see the discussions on military categorization? Working through the complications can be kind of fun, though. I hope you'll help.
I think the way things are possibly heading the categorization would be city/town/township/etc and county. Here is an example of how I have been doing cemeteries. Not sure if this is exactly where things will end up but based on the discussions we have been having I think it is a good starting point.  [[Space:McGhan Cemetery]]  The one thing I would note is that I made the mistake of when creating my early free space pages for this type of object is not including the town in the original title so that it became the "space" name. For instance instead of "McGhan Cemetery", I should have typed on the free space creation page title field "McGhan Cemetery, Grant County, Wisconsin" or "McGhan Cemetery, Fennimore, Grant County, Wisconsin". By using the title I did it leaves it open to being confused with every other McGhan Cemetery in the world. You can always truncate the name in the title field after it has been created for cleaner viewing on the actual page. Just something to consider.
+1 vote
Yours might be a great idea, but it may be a little early in the discussion of Categories for anyone to answer it definitively.  Maybe Lianne or Chris will jump in.

Sheri, you may or may not be aware of these two pages:



but my personal thought is that you should check them out and perhaps join in the discussion(s) there.


Just one man's opinion,

Keith Baker
by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (110k points)

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