From appears her father was William J Leard/Laird and her mother was Angeline R. Maybe tracing some of her siblings will provide you with more?
Also there are Civil War records for William J - can't tell if the same person. And his 1897 probate record, names most of those children, indicates his spouse as S E Leaird (Susana E Leonard) so Angeline R must have sometime after the 1870 census.
U S Census, 1880 Lanesboro, Anson, NC
WIFE Ann R. Leaird F 50 GA
DAU Mary Leaird F 15 NC
DAU Viney Leaird F 12 NC
Nephew Charles M. Leaird M 22 GA
U S Census, 1870 Anson Lanesboro NC
William J Laird M 43y NC
Adline Laird F 40y NC
Asbury Laird M 20y NC
Cimantha Laird F 15y NC
Sarah Laird F 11y NC
Elva A Laird F 6y NC
Mary Laird F 4y NC
Vina L Laird F 1y NC
US Census, 1860 Anson, North Carolina
William Leard Birth 1830 NC
Angeline Leard birth: 1830 N C
Ashbury Leard Birth 1851 N C
Catherine Leard Birth 1855 N C
Sarah Leard Birth 1859 N C
Probate File:
North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979 Anson County Leaird, W J (1897)
North Carolina, Marriages
Groom:William E. Griffin
Birth :1858 Age 20
Bride:Sarah Leard
Bride:1858 Age 20
Marriage :31 Oct 1878 Anson, NC
Groom's Parents: Charles P. Griffin Mary M.
Bride's Parents: William J. Leard : Angeline
Groom's :Charles Moon (? Moore)
Birth:1858 Age 21
Bride's: Elvey A. Leard
Birth: 1864 Age 15
Marriage: 11 Oct 1879 Lanesboro, Anson, NC
Groom's Parents: Joseph Moon Jane
Bride's Parents: William J. Leard A.R.
Groom's B. Cerry Leard (Asbury)
Birth 1851 Age 21
Bride Martha Boyd (Boyt/Boyette)
Birth 1853 Age 19
Marriage 17 Nov 1872 Anson Township, NC
Groom's Father's W. J. Leard
Bride's Parents: Stephen Boyd Mary