Help me with adoption

+3 votes
I adopted my wife's son.  Have had him and her on WikiTree for some years.  Now have found my son's biological father and want to add him

Cannot figure out how to do it.

WikiTree profile: Steven Kennedy
in WikiTree Help by Phil Kennedy G2G6 (7.1k points)
recategorized by Michael Stills

3 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer

Another way to show an adoption is to use 

Adoption Template for anyone adopted.

Here is an example

by Kevin Conroy G2G6 Pilot (281k points)
selected by Saro Genova
Thanks, Kevin - nice profile and showing me how to use the adopted template.  Two grandsons and one nephew are adopted, all foreign - so likely will never have complete info on bio family for them. But nice to see how to format,
This is the preferred standard way to do this on WikiTree.  For uniformity it should always be done this way.  In our own PRIVATE trees, we can do as we please.  But since WikiTree is One Big Human Family Tree, it would behoove us to do everything in the same way to avoid confusion.
+6 votes
WikiTree allows for only one father in the official "father" position. In your situation one of you needs to be there and the other can be connected in the bio as [[name-id|given_name family_name]]. All of the ancestry apps in WikiTree will use the official "father" position and disregard any connection made in the bio. For genetic genealogists and many others the biological father should be in the official position and you in the bio. However, there are some who value the social aspect of family more. My rule of thumb is how would you enter the biologic and the adoptive father for the same situation 5 generations back?
by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (621k points)
5 Generations back in our tree is not that long ago. In our tree we have a great aunt whose parents raised her son. So are you saying the biological parents with a footnote the grandparents who raised the children is the version. Their is a gravestone with biological mom and son buried together. I wrote to the only living sister as their is recent obituary stating that his a brother to our Grandmother. He is in fact her nephew. Often during the 1940's war brides may have given up children to other family members to raise. How do we add these details?
The [[name-id|given_name family_name]] produces a clickable link to the person named in the double square brackets and the free form entry allows you to provide as much detail about this connection as you see fit. The same information can be entered in the bio of the linked profile linking back to the profile you started out with.
+2 votes
Great question
by Janet Row G2G1 (1.2k points)

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