can you enter 2 diffetent sir names and see if you get a match?

+1 vote
in WikiTree Help by Jo Pace G2G Rookie (290 points)
Can you explain a bit more about what you want to know? Not sure if I understand your question.
I mean is there anywhere that I could put in one person's sir name, and add another person's sir name and see if there are any records (of any kind) where the 2 names are related.
Most marriage records would be searchable by putting in the two surnames for the bride and groom. In other types of record you would normally need to have more information than just the surnames.
I was just curious. it would be fun to see if your sir name interacted with your, (for instance) your boyfriends or boss's ancestor. I know that's not doing doing "real" ancestry research, just fun.
Not really sure what you mean by interacted, but you could look at census records to see if they were neighbours or could review newspaper records to see if they had any involvement.

1 Answer

+1 vote
You want to do it as a matter of course for adult women with Roots Search and Family Search.

To find WikiTree profiles, I find it easier just to Google, Wikitree and the first and last name, changing up the spelling if necessary. It generally goes right to the specific profile and I don't have to hunt and peck through a big list of somewhat similar names.
by Ron Moore G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)

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