Shared Photo: Joseph Chambers and Mohawk Horse

+7 votes

I wanted to share this family photo of Joseph Chambers with the community. Location: Utah Territory.  Why is he wearing a suit with watch fob and chain while riding a horse with a Mohawk?
Click here for the image details page or here for the full-sized version (2689 x 2056).

WikiTree profile: Joseph Chambers
in Photos by Jo Gill G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
edited by Jo Gill

1 Answer

+9 votes
Great Family Treasure !  Definitely a close cropped mane ! .. Superb connection .. like his time telling watch chain ..

Great Share .. Th'xs
by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Agree with Jerry, it's the details of this photo that make it so fascinating. Can you imagine the "old folks at home" in England poring over this photo?
Yip .. He is wearing a fine vest buttoned suit , furled bow tie , laid back hat a cowboy's stash and facing the right proud sun light dead in the eye  ..

Like the pocket hole sand stone blocks that give an ancient build quality and ever needing tightly woven natural "organic" rope ever close at hand on his best friend ..

Dorothy .. Where do I find those my kind of folks home ?

C'est Bon .
I'm still researching this guy.  The photo is in Utah or Idaho, United States.  He immigrated with his family when he was 8 in 1853 to New Orleans, went up the Mississippi by packet, crossed the plains by handcart!  Tough as shoe leather.
Wonder how long this photo might have taken to get from Utah to England? Surely anyone in the Western United States would have noticed its "picture perfect" qualities, that why I'm think it was intended for abroad.. maybe to snag a mail-order bride as in "Sarah, Plain and Tall."
No such luck, Sarah.  Joseph and spouse lived as a married couple into their 80s. 8 kiddoes.  1st daughter: Persis Mores Chambers!  Yikes!

I should be able to approximate the date of the photo and then research what kind of camera might have been used.  Like I have time for that - my suggestion list overflowith.
Yep, many projects. Little time.

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