How do I add all 3 wives of my great grandfather and how do I do it? [closed]

+5 votes
My great grand father had 3 different wives and several children by each wife. How do I add each wife and their children. I am new to this and have never attempted to do it. Thank you
closed with the note: Figured it out
in Genealogy Help by Mary Pierce G2G Crew (310 points)
closed by Mary Pierce

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer

Mary, welcome to G2G forum.

Please see the following post on how to add spouses:

You can add a 3rd (or 4th, etc.) spouse the same way.

Children are to be attached to their corresponding parents: Your g-grandfather is the father of all of them, but each one of them is to be connected to their appropriate mother.

My 5th g-grandfather Manuel Antonio Fraguio had 3 wives and children by each one of them. Perhaps a visit to Manuel Antonio's profile may help you to figure out how this is done. Feel free to click on the edit tab of Manuel Antonio or any of Manuel Antonio's spouses or children to see how spouses / parents / children are listed/attached.

by Rubén Hernández G2G6 Pilot (852k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thank You
You´re welcome Mary.
+6 votes
Check out Cook-12362 (Pascal H. Cook) for an example. Wives are entered in the appropriate column on the right side. Children (of spouse) can be entered there, too- with the appropriate wife designated.

Questions? Most of us are happy to answer them- we're a friendly bunch. Feel free to ping me if you get confused.
by Dorothy Coakley G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
Thank you

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