You make some good points, Rionne, but apparently listen to too much Art Bell and Alex Jones with the NWO and IMF stuff.
The real concern should be autosomal DNA as put up on GEDMATCH.
Catching a murderer or rapist, fine, good work. But the real danger is the use of DNA by insurance companies to rate or deny insurance.
GINA, a law,prohibits health insurance, not life insurance, from using DNA for that purpose. But laws, as we well know, are negated by courts and reversed by subsequent legislation, and given the fact that we have the best government money can buy (the number of lobbyists on K street) outnumber our congressmen and senators and they pour millions into campaign coffers, then we have a concern.
So is catching a murder or rapist here and there more important than the fact that millions of people can have their insurance premiums raised,or a policy denied?
Maybe you can afford it, or it is of no concern to you,but what about the millions of people adversely affected by the use of DNA to rate or deny an insurance policy?