Can anyone help by translating some documents I found but need transcribing in English?

+4 votes

Binneböse-3 (Wilhelm August Binneböse)

Binneboese-10 (August Ludwig Binneboese)

Binneböse-4 (John Frederick Binneböse)

Krause-1577 (Wilhelmine Kowalk formerly Krause aka Binneboese)

PS: I'd appreciate any suggestions as to how to locate the parents of Wilhelm August Binneboese (Binneböse-3)

in Genealogy Help by Paul Binneboese G2G1 (1.9k points)

1 Answer

+4 votes
Best answer
I´ll try the first one. Seems to be a copy of her baptism record from the church book.

- Born on 25.Oct 1823 at twelve? o´clock.

- Place: Muriwaniec

- Day of baptims: 2. Nov

- Name: Wilhelmine

- Name of father: Peter Krause

- Name of mother: Henriette, born Köbernik

- Religion of parents: ? (can´t read that, probably evangelisch = lutheran)

- Profession of father: ??linger

- Name of godparents: Sephan Leiske; Johanna Luise Friedrich, Eva Wall
by Manuela Thiele G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
selected by Kerry Larson
Thank you so much! You're the best!

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