Is Archibald Rhea (from Northern Ireland) a descendant of Clan Campbell and how can I figure this out?

+4 votes
So I use for my family tree and apparently Archibald Rhea is my 7th great-grandfather. It says that his father is Matthew Rhea Campbell but I'm very confused on the whole Rhea/Campbell thing. Does anyone have any information on Archibald Rhea and his Campbell ancestors?
in Genealogy Help by Courtney Cubine G2G Crew (580 points)

3 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, I believe so from the documentation I have seen, but still researching and trying to validate.
by Julie Stauble G2G Rookie (260 points)
+2 votes
I did quite a lot of research into this previously - see this G2G

If Matthew Rhea was a Campbell, then he definitely isn't the same Matthew Campbell, who was the son of Walter Campbell of Skipness (Skipnish).

There is a record for the marriage of Mathew Reagh and Jenot Baxter on 27 April 1687 at Derry Cathedral, but I haven't seen any reliable source that supports the rest of the story about Mathew Reagh being born as a Campbell.
by John Atkinson G2G6 Pilot (662k points)
+2 votes
Y-DNA DNA analysis of Rhea descendants indicates that Matthew Rhea was not a Campbell by blood.
by Kevin Campbell G2G1 (1.9k points)

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