profiles of children who died as infants

+9 votes
Is there a policy on children who died in their infancy? Should their profiles be included? Is there a cut-off age? (Obviously, if the child married, or had a life event other than birth or baptism, I would like to record them, but a child that died after, say, 1 month or even two years doesn't seem worth the trouble to me, beyond a footnote on the parents' profile.
in Policy and Style by Gus Gassmann G2G6 Mach 5 (56.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

5 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
They existed - simple as that, in my opinion.

We do not have a requirement that "you must be this old to have a profile" or that "you must demonstrate any value or importance." You were a fellow human being who had a life, however fleeting. You have documented proof of your existence. You deserve a profile on WikiTree.

We as genealogists should record the lives of all who existed, without judgment or preference.
by Lindy Jones G2G6 Pilot (263k points)
selected by Sydney Burnside

Love this Answer Lindy Jones! heartyes

+11 votes

There's no requirement to create profiles for children who died in infancy, but it's perfectly OK to do so, and many WikiTreers strongly encourage this. You can use the "Died Young" sticker to bring visual attention to the fact that the child died.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)

Thanks Ellen, I didn't know there was a died young sticker, I include all the deceased babies, so have plenty to put this sticker on. heartyes

+19 votes
They were part of the life of the family. Why would you not want to include them?
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (689k points)
Absolutely. They were important to their family and are part of the worldwide tree. I always honour these wee souls with a profile and make it as beautiful as I possibly can.
As Lynda says, please read post from 3 days ago. Clearly debated but I stand fast with Lynda on this :)
Absolutely agree! Babies that died at birth or young children all had an impact on the family. My parents each had a sibling that was stillborn. Both of those babies have headstones and a story -- a short story, but still a story. The baby ring that was intended for my mother's sister that was stillborn was passed on to me, as I am the eldest grandchild. It is one of my most treasured possessions.
+12 votes
They were a person, weren't they? even if only for a month or a year.

WT says one person= one profile.  So they need profiles.

(Also, then you can look at a family and gasp "They had 13 children!" or stop wondering about that weird gap between siblings...)
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
+13 votes
in addition to the other answers, they can play an important role in the timeline of events -- such as, why weren't they in the big family reunion photo? oh yeah, they were home having a baby; why is there a large gap in between some of the living kids?; some census and birth cert say how many children were born to the mother, its nice to be able to account for them.; etc...
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (589k points)

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