Yep. I've been trying for over an hour this morning, as well. It's throwing a 503 error, which is a server-side "Service Unavailable" error. This can mean a server misconfiguration issue--I've done it often myself with something as simple as a single misplaced letter in a .htaccess file--but by far the most likely cause is server overload. It's a very short-term, temporary thing, but still means we can't get to it.
I think a whole boatload of us are beating GEDmatch senseless, and I'm not sure how they're going to handle the load. We may see brief windows where we can get on, but I fully expect it to go up and down, and to even timeout frequently trying to process some of the Tier 1 tools that require a lot more CPU cycles than the more basic functions. Gather your patience, and maybe say a small prayer for John Olson, Curtis Rogers, and all our friends at GEDmatch.
My best guess is that increasing "the sky is falling" posts about GEDmatch from all over the Web in regards to the Golden State Killer case is driving serious genealogists to get onto their accounts and capture all the data regarding matches that they can. People are making what I personally feel is a mistake and seem to be flagging their managed kits so that they cannot be viewed by others, if not deleting them altogether. This seems to be happening incrementally. I saw last night that I had lost two 20cM+ matches that I hadn't yet got around to researching yet because they didn't triangulate with any of my existing TGs. I began running a Tier 1 triangulation report and, after two attempts over about 30 minutes, it kept timing out. Thought I'd get up and try again this morning.
Genetic genealogy is being caught within a nasty vice right now. GDPR is crushing us from the Atlantic, and the GSK case is causing a startle response and pressuring us from the Pacific.