Need help to set up Pocahontas Coal field link so that I could add names of those killed

+6 votes
There have been many mining disasters in the coal
mines of southern West Virginia and South Western Virginia. I would like to document the disasters and
link the memory of these men to genealogy.
in The Tree House by Bob Tilley G2G6 (7.9k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

2 Answers

+6 votes
You need to contact Sheryl Moore

She will help you set it up.
by Joan Whitaker G2G6 Pilot (179k points)
Thank you, Joan - you have done a great job with Yorkshire mining disasters and a great help!!
+4 votes
Hi, Bob

I received your message and want to let you know that all the mining disasters in West Virginia and Virginia are set up on pages within the Worldwide Mining Disasters Project.

I personally have done the research on the disasters and the men involved and absolutely agree these men should be preserved for genealogy and honored with the Memorials set up in the project.

Your desire and the Worldwide Mining Disasters goal are on point.  You would be a great asset to the project in the West Virginia/Virginia disasters specifically.

You have contacted me by private message, and I have responded so please respond to my email and we can work together to honor those you want to.

Thank you for your passion in honoring those who died doing their jobs in those mines - they gave us light and often died in the process.

Thank you, Joan for your response also.

I look forward to working with you, Bob!
by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (219k points)

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