Lafon ancestry web pages

+3 votes
Good evening, friends, I was wondering if anyone with Lafon ancestors or relatives is familiar with this set of pages on the descendancy of a Rene Lafon of France.

I'm not at all familiar with the host website, seems to be storage for misc or random articles and documents and hosted in a European country.  The Lafon article is rather interesting in that a ggg-grandmother of mine, Martha Lafon (Lafon-211), is covered in the webpages, detailing a paternal line back to this Rene Lafon who has other possible descendants profiled on Wikitree (Lafon-119 for example).

Does anyone know of the background of this article, who put it together, where did it come from, why is it on this odd website?  Few other sources seem to be out there, so this somewhat obscure lineage may be a brickwall.
I'd like others opinions as to what degree this is a valid secondary or lower source.  I may have missed something as my eyes are not what they once were.  Thank you
in Genealogy Help by Art Black G2G6 Mach 5 (58.5k points)

In going back to check if anything new had been added to the above link I found that it is no longer valid - apparently the domain name has changed.  Same website, just different site location, currently t:

The original question I asked above is still valid. "Does anyone know of the background of this article, who put it together, where did it come from, why is it on this odd website?"  Particularly the "who put it together" part, and bottom line, I'm sure a number of us would like to know how accurate it is.

1 Answer

+2 votes
I have a LaFon cousin, descendant from Jonathan LaFon (1805 NC - 1863 TN) -- we're related through our Huntsman connection (Jonathan LaFon's wife)

I don't find our Jonathan in the family line you've posted.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (590k points)

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