how do I forward this answer to someone who is not a member of W>T>

+2 votes
in WikiTree Help by Martha Leger G2G6 Mach 3 (30.5k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Martha, I see you did not get a good answer to your question.  You can copy the URL of the g2g post and paste it into an email message and send it to the non-member. 

The URL is the web address in the box at the top of your web browser. It typically starts with "http...". For example, the URL of this particular thread is :

by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (946k points)
selected by Eric Weddington
+1 vote
If they are not a member of WikiTree they sure won't see it here.
by Living Lykins G2G6 Mach 1 (13.2k points)
Yes, they will. Non members can participate in G2G, reading, asking questions, giving answers
Jesus. Here let me more specific. If they are not looking for this particular message they won't know it exists. There is that better.?
Hey guys, let's keep it courteous - thanks!
thanks - I did not expect a sarcastic answer - sorry if I am having trouble buit am in my 80`s and getting a little slow - I have had to give up a lot that I can no longer do but  do so enjoy Wiki Tree & one of few things I still can do but need help at times - so if I am asking too many questios or -  if my questions sound stupid - PLEASE just do not answer - these people need to remember that they too will some day be OLD.

so that was very nice of you to send in your comment .Eowyn I appreciate it - there are still nice people in this world /

Thanks Eddie - I looks like I stepped on someone`s toes or they are having a bad day - if they thought my question was stupid -could they just have left it alone & not answered at all !!!!


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