Bracken/Brackin orphaned profiles spelled wrong

+3 votes
I've found a small group of orphaned around Jess Bracken who is the sister of my grandfather John BrackIN.  (I'm new here)  but when I put a wrong name is I was impressed that it was a major sin to change a LAST NAME so what should I do?  Just ignore them & eventually create them with the correct name?  I seem to have become the manager of another sister Edna just by adding her married name of Lehman.  and I guess in the 1700s in Ireland it seems to have been spelled either way?   but I hate to see my grandfather's name spelt wrong
in WikiTree Help by Norma Gehring G2G Crew (940 points)
I'd love to chat re those Brackin profiles, are they from Fermanagh?

ps: took a look & see they are from Iowa, never mind, those I am interested in moved from Ireland to Australia.
but we ARE related.  someone on your Aussie side IS related to my Aunt Bonnie .... daughter of John Butler Brackin,  In fact it's due to YOU sending your family tree from HERE that got us started to put stuff UP here.  We have BrackEN cousins from Ireland  and back in the 1700s brothers seems to spell the name either way....  but in Ohio & Iowa it's been BrackIN for a long time.
That's brilliant, it was the Brackin/Bracken change that caught my eye. It was either/or in Ireland and a determined change to Brackin was made in Australia. Must have been something about the way they pronounced it.

Have you researched your Irish connections? I would like to take another look at the Brackens there. They, have provided some very colourful individuals down under. Thomas responsible for our National Anthem, Hugh William has a wine named for him, and Christopher now well known on the tourist trail for his gold find.

PS : Had a look here, haven't entered a lot of my Bracken info. will see what I can dig up today.
Have you adopted your Iowa Brackin/Brackens? If you are now their PM and Brackin is the name that appears in the birth, marriage & death records, then you should certainly correct their profiled family names. Some times a name entered slightly incorrectly on the first profile, is carried automatically by the following profiles without the person writing them noticing.
That sounds the most reasonable!   as to what else I said....about us sharing DNA.....   I didn't check your name well enough.... You're not the ONLY Australian that came from county Fermanagh!  It was Australian Veronica Williams relative from Fermanagh Ireland who's sister  (my Jane Britten) married Brooks who married Cornelius BrackIN  (born 1796 • Lisdivrick, Fermanagh, Ireland  and already BrackIN. (OVER 200 years ago)    She was wanting others from Fermanagh to get DNA tested to prove the Britten and I believe Cassidy line
I know that Cornelius (Nellis) Brackin, will see what I have for him.

Here's the first world-famous-in-New Zealand bio written this morning, found a few relatives too. Not yet WT connected though.
Yea - your Cornelius Brackin is now connected to my Willis lot in Fermanagh - will also be connected to the universal Wikitree in a day or so.

2 Answers

+6 votes
You can not create duplicates . Very bad to do that. Contact the profile manager of Jess and kin, with sources proving the correct spelling.
by Eddie King G2G6 Pilot (721k points)
As I said.... these are ORPHANed profiles. These's NO project manager  The person in question is probably a CHILD of Jess who was never allowed to see her daughters after the divorce....ALL her information is coming from a book.  I really DO know how my mom, grandpa, great aunt Jess who all lived in Elgin Iowa spelled their name!
+6 votes
Check the birth or baptismal records to find out how the names were spelled at the time. They may have changed spelling later in life. If this is the case then you enter the original spelling as LNAB and put the later spelling into current last name.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (689k points)
The Last Name At Birth has been BrackIN for about 200 years... back then some chose IN, some EN.   Since there are only about 6 orphaned profiles with faulty info it doesn't seem like BRACKEN should be listed as LNAB. I guess I could just ignore grandpa's sisters & let someone from their direct line deal with it.  It seems like making a new correct profile & then merging it with the erroneous one would be more logical.... But there is so much about this site that I don't yet know.
Whatever solution you decide on for the name it would not be correct to create a new profile and merge. It is against Wikitree policy to deliberately create duplicates.

You can edit these orphaned profiles, but changing the LNAB should not be your first edit -- and it may not be appropriate at all. Start by improving the profiles. Add text and sources to the profiles to document the details that you have about these people.

Look at the primary records to see how each person's name was spelled at baptism, marriage, on census records, in wills, on their gravestone, etc. Chances are good that one person's name was spelled different ways at different times -- and sometimes different ways in the same document. Record all of those spellings in the profile. The LNAB for each individual should be the name that particular person was called by at  or near their birth. We should not impose our modern ideas of correct spelling on our ancestors. Thus, for example, if the birth record shows that a person was recorded as Brackin, that is the person's LNAB, even if they were called Bracken on their gravestone (the name on the gravestone is their Current Last Name).

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