Project Box / Template Usage

+10 votes

I have been working on cleaning up some categories for a Sub of the US History project. During this time, I have noticed that there a number of profiles (think multiple hundreds) that contain the {{US History}} template (I will just call it a project box from here on out) where I think they should not be used.

The project box in question displays text, such as:

... ... ... is a part of SubProject History.

Join: SubProject Project

Discuss: SubProject

I have noticed that this project box is being placed profiles that:

  1. Do not relate to SubProject History (not notables, etc.); and
  2. Are being placed on profiles of entire family lines.

Help:Project Boxes states that: 

The primary purpose of a Project Box is to identify a project-managed profile so that visitors can find out how to collaborate on the profile and related profiles.


Project Boxes belong on all project-managed profiles (PMPs), whether or not they are project-protected.

In addition to the Project Box, project-managed profiles should have the project account as a profile manager.

This leads me to a series of questions:

  1. What profiles are intended to be covered by a Project, where the project box would apply? For instance, is there a set criteria that is normally used (i.e. Must be a notable)?
  2. Is there a way to search for a specific project box? For instance, I would like to be able to see all profiles (and pages) that have the {{US History|sub-project=SubProject}} project box on them.
  3. What are the implications of using a project box on a profile that is not managed by a project or not a part of the subproject's history?
in Policy and Style by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (813k points)

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer

A Project Box should be used where the profile is *managed* by a Project, not just belongs in the right time frame or geographic area.

For instance, a profile who lived in England could only have the England Project Box on it *if* it was being managed by the England Project.  If it was being managed by anybody else, then - no England Project project box.  If it was being managed by, say, the Notables Project, it could have the Notables Project project box. If it was being managed by me, then - no project box, because I am not a Project. 

The implications of there being a project box but no project: well, you aren't going to get struck down by forked lightning, but sooner or later someone's going to come along and say "that shouldn't be there".

by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.3m points)
selected by Steven Harris
I've also noted lately that almost any pre-1700 profile insists you collaborate with the project even if there is no project involved. This gets a little annoying especially when I am the PM of the profile. Ok, I've co-ordinated with me and we agree it will be fine if I change it. My abstained due to time constraints. LOL (the I, me, my project)
Thank you Ros. I just wanted to make sure I was not missing anything...

As you can see from Aleš' answer, it appears that the project box is being heavily abused for Texas profiles; making up 52% of the project box usage.
+10 votes
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (879k points)
Thank you Aleš!

Looks like we have a lot of work to do, Texas shows 1,045+ profiles using that template...

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