Ok, somebody slow me down and stop me cause I just had a HOLY S*** moment going over my Whitaker documentation again looking to unsnarl the mess of [Giles Whitaker|Whiteacre-8] and Rice Whitaker [Rice Whitaker|Whitaker-1290]
Everyone has been basing the argument that Giles was the father of Rice on the fact that Rice was the witness to Giles' will. Giles died in 1831.
However, according to the Duley Letter:
I will now tell you what I know of your great grandmothers family her mothers maiden name was Mary Rice. She was borned in Tennessee her father was well off and owned a lot of slaves. She first married a Mr. Whitaker he died and left her with six children. Three boys and three girls. There names was John and Joseph and Rice and Rhoda and Nancy and Elizabeth = She went from Tennesse to Kentucky = and there married Job Poteet = as I sed befor he was a frenchman there were five children born to them 3 girls 2 boys = there names were Alford and
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James and Polly and Elizina and Rebecca that was your grandmother name = Elizina died young and James got killed be a wagon upsetting on him when he was a boy. when Mr Poteet died your great grandmother come to Ind. when it was a wilderness and she entered the land. that is now kown as the gran father Duleys farm near here after sometime she married a man by the name of Eliasen Goodwin, he was a school teacher she lived wuiet a while with him = and he died = so the she married agan a man from Kentucky names McCaslin and they did not live agreeable = so the parted and in her old days she lived and died with her children now you see your great gran mother was a marring woman = she was a fine lady and her proffession was that of a Doctor. She went far and near as long as she was able to wait on her patients she died at aunt Polley Kitermans on June the 24 1835 = age 65years 7 months and 13 days aunt Polley Kitterman lived on the old Isack Bline place at that time
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and Mrs McCaslin is buried in the field on that place where several of the family connection are also buried.
I have proven every bit of that letter - Mary did wed Jacob Job Poteet, and the youngest Whitaker, Mary Catherine used Poteet as her last name. I can show where Mary later married Goodwin and then Mc Caslin. Mary Ann Rice Whitaker Poteet Goodwin Mc Caslin is buried on the Polly Kitterman farm. The letter mentions that she separated from Mc Caslin because they didn't agree. So therefore, we can assume that Mr. Whitaker DIED leaving her and the children. This would have been around 1810/11 as she remarried in 1812. THEREFORE, GILES WHITAKER THAT DIED IN 1831 CANNOT BE THE FATHER OF RICE WHITAKER.
Someone please look at this and tell me I'm not crazy, I searched Wikitree and none of the Giles had the right death date. My mother went to her grave swearing Giles wasn't Rice's father, and if that was the case, they needed more proof than just being an executor/witness in a will. (I'm still looking for a copy of that will, by the way). This has been over 30 years of trying to piece together who the father of Rice Whitaker really was.
Please and thank you in advance.
The copy paste is the pertinent part of the Duley letter which is linked on Rice's profile.