Very Notable individual not on Wikitree

+5 votes
Though I cannot connect him to my family lineage, I can reference him to several existing profiles and Category pages here. Should I add him to Wikitree?
in The Tree House by T Lacey G2G6 Mach 3 (35.4k points)
retagged by T Lacey
I do, if I have reliable sources to include in the profile.  

There is no rule that prevents a member from adding or improving profiles beyond one's own family.
Thank you. Yes, a plethora of sources exist for this well known , well in my area, individual. He was a man way ahead of his time in his beliefs and actions.
Thanks again for the direction.
It seems strange that a French colonist would be still living and going Unlisted (see tags above). I still haven't got a clue who this very notable person might be.

If this person is living, in my opinion there is not much point in discussing him. If not, why not add him?

I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the question. If you plan to add a pre-1700 notable you should definitely communicate with the appropriate project, but without knowing who we are talking about, it will be difficult.
The purpose of the question was to determine if I can or should add a Notable to Wikitree even though I am not bloodline connected.

The Who is far from important.
It's also very strange how some interpret a statement or question. No where in my original question did I say this person was living, but in your defence I didn't say they where dead either.
No slam at you, just an observation.
So, Keith Moon is already on WT as is John Entwistle, whose profile is private.

The rest of the band, including past members, seem to be still breathing.

You are welcome to add profiles of anyone, even those not related to you, and I have done so many times. I am reluctant to add any living persons at this point, but dead people are fair game, as long as I have sources and a story to tell.
With this caveat that if the person was born before 1700, you should communicate with the appropriate project first. This does not apply to The Who of course.
Of course, Isabelle!!

1 Answer

+9 votes
Who? A name at the very least. If they are living they will be unlisted, but the information will be preserves.
by Katrina Whitaker G2G6 Mach 4 (42.4k points)
Nope. Been gone a long time so no worries on the Unlisted. I too am up on all that is going with the privacy issues here and globally.

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