Search my profiles by death date?

+3 votes
I've come across two measles deaths in 1880 in my Scottish settlement I'm working on. One obituary notes there is an epidemic.  I'd like to note that in my free space on the settlement.  I was wondering if there was an easy way to collect all the deaths in 1880 and see what may be measles.  I have catergorized everyone in that town and it's only a little more than a 100 so I could do it that way but wondering if there was a quicker way.
in WikiTree Help by Joelle Colville-Hanson G2G6 Pilot (158k points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
If you've categorised everyone in that town, then look on its category page and you will see at a glance who died when.
by Ros Haywood G2G Astronaut (2.1m points)
Yea I know that’s an option. Counsidering there are more than a hundred profiles it’s not exactly “at a glance”. Was wondering if there is a quicker option
Not that I can call to mind.  And it can be 'at a glance' - after all, those pages were built to hold 200 profiles plus subcategories - so 100 is not so many, after all.
OK, so what you do is go to the category page, then hit Control + F and type in 1880.  If you have set your browser to 'highlight all', they will all show up at once; otherwise, you just have to keep clicking through the search.
Thanks.  I'll remember that.  I did see there is a measles category . But of course I had to make one for Illinois.

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