Relationships with Mayflower...

+4 votes
I am trying to find out if my mother in law qualifies for the DAR.  Her DNA is still active, but she is not showing that she is related to anyone on the Mayflower.  Is that possible that someone could not be related to anyone on the Mayflower?  Her surname is Cox.

She is really into ancestry and I know it would blow her away to be a DAR.

This is something she could pass down to her children and grandchildren who could then follow the path and qualify themselves.


in The Tree House by Taylor Worthington Gilchrist G2G6 Mach 9 (91.8k points)
There are probably millions of people who descend from a Mayflower passenger. But that doesn't mean that everyone's ancestors came over on the Mayflower. There were only about 102 passengers. Just think how many immigrants arrived later, from other countries and on other ships.
Your very right...Thanks for helping me to think it forward.


2 Answers

+5 votes
DAR has to do with the American Revolution 1776-1783 and the Mayflower came over in 1620.

Tracing her line back to the time of the American Revolution plus a few years and you very well could find a connection.

For a Mayflower connection, you would go back another 160 years or so.

I saw a 2nd Lt. in your line who was the right age for your connection.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
edited by Frank Gill
+2 votes
There are at least 1000 people with the last name of Cox who are descended from patriots and civilians who served in the Revolutionary War. Here is a link to the DAR website where you can enter names to see if lineage has already been proven. If you have your Mother in law's ancestors' names, you could try them to see if they show up. If no one shows up it might only mean that lineage hasn't been proven - not necessarily that there are no revolutionary war ancestors.


Good luck,

by S Willson G2G6 Pilot (231k points)
Thank you so much!


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