can not find her before her marriage

+2 votes
I have Mary Ann Martha Middleton who was born 11th August 1856 in Greenwich

 I have her parents as Charles Middleton and Mary Jane Vine but can not find her with her parents in 1861 or 1871
WikiTree profile: Mary Brooks
in Genealogy Help by Steph Meredith G2G6 Mach 9 (90.5k points)

1 Answer

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Mary Ann Middleton is actually living with her parents (and her sister Sarah born about 1859) in the 1861 census. From looking at the actual image of the census on Ancestry I can see that the problem is that Charles and Mary Jane are the last 2 lines on one page and Mary Ann and Sarah are the first 2 lines on the next page. I can't find the entry for that next page on FamilySearch.

In 1871 the family is still living together but has moved to Barking in Essex:

Source: "England and Wales Census, 1871", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 December 2017), Mary Middleton in entry for Charles Middleton, 1871.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (437k points)
selected by Lynda Crackett
Thank you Paul would you have a address with that as I thought I found Charles and Mary living at James Terrace, Plumstead, London, Kent, England

The address in 1861 is indeed 5 James Terrace, Plumstead, so you have the right entry but you only have the first page not the continuation on the second page. I actually just noticed on the second page they also have a visitor called Emily Vines (age 17, born in Cambridge), who I guess might be related to Mary Jane?

Managed to find the continuation page on FamilySearch eventually, it is:

"England and Wales Census, 1861," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 December 2017), Mary Ann Middleton, Plumstead, London, Kent, England; from "1861 England, Scotland and Wales census," database and images, findmypast ( : n.d.); citing PRO RG 9, The National Archives, Kew, Surrey.

It looks like their address in 1871 says Reclamation Works in Barking, Essex. I think it might be

Thank you Paul I love it when people can find things I can not as it break another wall

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