Must I REPLACE my correct mother's name?? How do I get out of that?

+2 votes
While filling out the family tree, I got my father entered alright (Robert M. Eilenberger Howell, but when I tried to get my mother entered, although I put in the info, it came back that she was already listed (somewhere!) and were the two names the same person. I replied Yes, but then a window appeared asking if I wanted to replace/delete her name...which I don't.  Why won't Wiki accept what I offered???  Rob Howell
in Genealogy Help by Rob Howell G2G Crew (950 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi Rob,

What's the WikiTree ID for your mother's profile? Is there a duplicate of her profile? Check your Watchlist if you're unsure about either of those.

by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+2 votes
This is a difficult problem for neophytes.  When you enter a name, (and fill out the information) WikiTree checks to see if that name (or one similar) has been used. If so, it gives you two options. One, to check the circle infront of the name that is your person and  confirm this this is the same person, or not check the  circle, and enter a new profile. Its possible you confirmed that it was the same person, without realizing that it really wasn't the same person, just the same name.

If this is the case, (what I had to do) go back, and enter that person's data again, then when asked if this is the same person, ignore that and make a new profile.
by Tom Bredehoft G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
Thanks, Tom!
I've found that you can use the 'Back' button and the previously entered data is retained, then just submit again and don't click any radio buttons.
Bob, need clarification: what/where is the "back button" and what is a "radio button"??
Back buttons can be tricky, depends on your computer.  Mine is on my mouse. They are the button/icon that takes you back to the previous screen.

Radio Button,  I'm not responsible for naming them but here goes.

when you see a column of names, and each one has a little circle in front of it, and you can click on one of them, selecting the name, that is a radio button.

when you enter a profile, and it offers you potential matches, you don't have to accept them, you can make a new profile. The hope is, that IF there is a match, that's preferable to  making a duplicate profile. I've found it easier to make a new profile then ask (another trick) to merge the two. Its easier in the long run.
back buttons can also be top left on an ipad and alt-left arrow on an ibm compatible.

thet  tend to  be top left ish on most browsers (intern explorer, firefox etc)

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