Can we have a subcategory under Cemeteries? for Veterans

+2 votes
maybe it is already there but I'm stuck.  Can I put a subcategory in the Category: Franktown Cemetery, Colorado,  to  LIST the 36 Veterans laid to rest there? And all other cemeteries for that matter???
WikiTree profile: James Gardner
in WikiTree Help by Carole Taylor G2G6 Mach 7 (77.1k points)
retagged by Natalie Trott
So now that the Cemetery name has been changed does that mean I have to go thru and change all  432  of them????????
No, because the correct one exists, EditBot will do it.
oh thank gosh... I will stop fixing them  then.  now if you can take a look at the Parker Cemetery, is under Parker,  the city as well??????????
At first look, it seems right. I haven't researched the town or anything but the cemetery is listed under the county and the town or city, so that looks correct.
so now I have really confused myself...LOL  I went to the categorization instructions,  and I am pretty sure that the way Franktown Cemetery was set up was under Franktown, Colorado.. and then under the subcategory  Douglas County...  is that not right,  because that is the way I think  HAHAHA  I was doing the cemetery on the profile should read:  the cemetery name, the city located, the state. and then when you click on it it takes you to under the County subcategory,  yes?  why now has Franktown Cemetery, Franktown, Colorado been changed to Franktown Cemetery, Douglas County, Colorado?  :(
Parker Cemetery  is Douglas County,

the Elizabeth Cemetery is Elbert County, and I guess I am the  ___ who set up most of the Colorado  cemeteries so I only have myself to blame for not getting it right  3 -4 years ago.
The category that is being renamed (not deleted now...renamed) was [[Category: Franktown Cemetery, Colorado]]  No town/city or county was named. When you look at the findagrave cemetery page, the map shows the location outside the town. The findagrave location is "Douglas County" and the town's own web site [] says it's "at the insection of hwy 83 and hwy 86" in Franktown. The category has been changed numerous times since its creation in 2015.

You have been to the cemetery? Is it within town limits of Franktown or is it out in "county" land? Let's get it straight once and for all.
I was there yesterday.

yes you are right the category, did not have the city, Franktown,  gosh sorry,  So, I  Franktown Colorado and the city, no its not a city,  it is a town that State Hwy 83/State Hwy 86 intersect at., not much there,  but that IS the town and the Northeast corner is the Franktown Cemetery in the HEART of the town.  So definitely  it is Franktown and the County Franktown is in is Douglas County,  the Douglas Historic Society has a huge Historic Cross there in the cemetery.  wikipedia has a photo of the town and says this about:"The population was 395 at the 2010 census"
Ok, then we should have the category be [[Category: Franktown Cemetery, Franktown, Colorado]].

I'll fix it, since there are a few things to do to tidy this up.

Thanks for your help, Carole.

UPDATE: All fixed now. EditBOt should rename the previously created categories.
GOOD JOB.  now it looks like what i thought I was reading,  old age sometimes the eyeballs............ aint it gr8!!!  Thank you so much  now also I think??  I understand exactly and will  get it right  from now on... oh and I have added the Vets  LIST  to the Free space hope that is ok... Cuz' Carole
next where can i give  Natalie a BIG  Thank you!!!!!!
High fives!

1 Answer

+6 votes
The cemetery needs to be set up correctly. Working on it.

 Actually it's already set up correctly, so the incorrect one will be deleted.

There are particular veterans cemeteries with categories, but if we sub-categorize every cemetery with veterans buried in it, what is the purpose? The veterans, ideally, have their units and their military service noted in their biographies. Why complicate the cemetery categories with something further?

Since this particular cemetery has a free-space page, a listing or table of veterans could be made there.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by Natalie Trott
well, the reason is, the DAR, SUV, et al  go out 2 times a year to cemeteries like this one  to place flags on their headstones.  It would be so nice to just go to the Cemetery  and then the  "Veteran"  subcategory  and pull up the list-  print it  and then head out to the cemetery with our  100+ flags.  Now we have to go thru each and everyone to find the Vets. of course I guess I could just keep the list handy from last year and hope there has been no new Vets that have been added that I would miss.unless of course we go to find-a-grave where I have the option to list them in my  Virtual Cemetery....Just lazy I guess.
In response to your first answer:  I guess I can make a NOTE  to see the Free SPACE  and add the list of VETS  their  with "Name-1111"... ok,  I'll  do that.  And if the Franktown Cemetery was wrong then we need to fix  quite a few that are  done  one way/ another way...  I have trouble finding them because they are not listed the same,  county, or town?????  But mostly I copy it the way  the other site lists them  (f-a-g)  Thank you for your help in getting  Uniformity  to our family TREE..
You could also nicely ask the devs if they could basically create a search that looks at cemeteries (in a given geographic area, e.g., Douglas County, Colorado) for the presence of profiles which have Vet stickers (or categories), then generate that list of names by cemetery.

I'm not saying it's possible or easy, just that you could ask ;)
Yes Eric, and I really think that would be feasible.

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