Gedcom is private?

+1 vote
Hi all -

I am new here and excited about all there is to explore and do. I have a question though, that I can't seem to find the answer to.

I have an Ancestry GEDCOM that has about 8K members. If I upload it to Wiki, do each of the members (and their info) immediately show to the trusteds and/or the public?  

The reason why I am asking is that I am not ready to collaborate on many of the more distant cousins in my tree. I do not want those to be officially added to the Wiki until I have done more work and found the proper sources. This concern has prevented me from diving into Wiki.

One other question: I have a GEDCOM for my Mother and one for my Father. Do you advise that I combine them here at Wiki?

I know there are easy answers to these q's. Thank you in advance for your help in getting me on my way.  Jen
in WikiTree Help by Jennifer Bunker G2G Rookie (200 points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry
You can't upload a gedcom of 8000. You have to split it up

Hi Jen, hope you don't mind my 2 cents.

Using GEDCOMs to populate WikiTree is a personal decision based on your personal likes and needs.  I add to WikiTree almost exclusively by GEDCOM.  Like you, I have 1,000's of names across various trees on Ancestry.  And like me, you probably not only have blood kin in your trees, but also the families of those our ancestors married into.

First of all, uploading a GEDCOM file to WikiTree is not like loading one to Ancestry or many other sites.  You have to individually add each name to WikiTree on a one by one basis.  WikiTree does not permit duplicate Profiles of a person.  If you find someone has already entered a name in your tree(s), you then share the connection with that Profile.  Hence, the One Global Tree.  This is the reason for the one by one basis of adding folks.

I suggest you create a new small tree on Ancestry of say 30 to 40 names and export that as a GEDCOM file. Then try theGEDCOMPare upload utility on WikiTree.  Remember, this will not auto populate your tree on WikiTree as on Ancestry.  You will have to add each by themselves.  You can then see how the data from Ancestry is loaded to WikiTree and what it looks like in a Biography.  Trust me, they are not the prettiest of Bios and will need a little work to make them more presentable.  You still work on each Profile to make it the way you like.

See if using GEDCOM files is for you.  Here are a few pages I think all who want to try using GEDCOMs should read.   GEDCOMpare basic help      A compilation page of various information pages on GEDCOM files and WikiTree     Why WikiTree is different from other sites regarding GEDCOM file uploads.     Self explanatory and I include some of the help topics below as well.      How to Edit the text on a Biography and add sources     Some more tips on Biography editing.      What can be included and proper order     Extremely important on proper citing of sources on WikiTree    List of all the WikiTree Profile standards and style    A good thing to do before Editing an Existing Profile How gedom files are loded to WikiTree Sharing Data Basic     Project Protected Profiles or PPP files.  Certain Protected Profiles.   Certification For Pre-1700 Profiles  IMPORTANT    Certification For Pre-1500 Profiles   IMPORTANT

OK, maybe more than a few...LOL   Fortunately, most are quick one page descriptions.

One thing I strongly suggest is to look at as many Profiles on WikiTree as you can to see the variations in style members use to create their Biographies.  Here is a good page to start:  Better to look before you leap and to get get off a good footing when creating Profiles.

So enjoy and and add the way you want to.  All the best,


Oh, one more thing about GEDCOM files from Ancestry.  Some Social Security related sources may include the SS Number of the individual.  Please be sure to remove them once they have been imported into WikiTree for good Privacy measures.


1 Answer

+8 votes
Best answer

If you are concerned about wanting to do more work before adding people to Wikitree then you might find it better to add profiles individually rather than using a gedcom. If you do decide to use a gedcom then you need to go through the process of checking whether each individual has an existing profile on Wikitree so that you do not create duplicates. Here is a link to the gedcompare process

by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (689k points)
selected by Jennifer Bunker
Thank you!!! That is exactly what I needed to know. I feel as though the process of adding each individual will be kind-of zen-like. It's worth it to take the time for each one, and to be sure it's as right as it can be. Thank you and full speed ahead. :-)
Have fun. I prefer working with individual profiles. I did add one small gedcom with about 30 people just to learn how it worked, but I find it more satisfying to work on individuals.
Jen, Thanks for the best answer star.

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