Needs LNAB for profile correction

+4 votes
We just corrected her brother, Catherine would need the same LNAB as Jacob- CASPERZ


Also I think Annetje is wrong. I have to grab her wiki ID and one other brother
WikiTree profile: Catherine Van Hoesen
in Genealogy Help by Miranda Cartier G2G2 (3.0k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

1 Answer

+4 votes

Miranda, New Netherland names can be weirdly complicated. I don't think anybody figures them out quickly. I suggest that you review the New Netherland Project Naming Conventions for a refresher on some of the nuances.

A couple of basic principles that apply here:

  1. Each individual member of a family should have their last name determined individually. It does seem logical to assume that siblings who shared the same father all had the same last name at birth, but that's not always the case. Sometimes two siblings (or two people who have been thought to have been siblings) are found to have used radically different last names.
  2. Consistent with Dutch custom, women in New Netherland generally didn't use their husband's last names. We should not give a New Netherland woman her husband's name unless she was recorded with that name.  (However, if published genealogies, histories, etc., have called her by a husband's name she didn't use, it's a good idea to include that name in the Other Last Names data field to make it easier for people to find her.) Thus, "Van Hoesen" should not be treated as Catherine's Current Last Name unless it appeared in a contemporary record.

As regards Catherine's LNAB and other names:

  • Her profile is poorly sourced. It looks like its info came from the Ancestral File (a poor source), although additional sources are identified in the Sources list. This means that more research is needed to determine her name(s) -- and if research indicates the information doesn't exist, the profile should indicate that (for example, maybe say "no record of her life events has been found in the Albany Dutch church records").
  • Since Catherine was born before the inception of the earliest Albany baptism records, if she was born in Albany  there's probably no baptism record for her. However, it's possible that she was born in Europe, in which case there might be records there.
  • Often a person's LNAB can be determined from a person's marriage record or baptism records for their children, but the children listed on the profile were born before 1683, so neither her marriage nor their baptisms would be listed in Albany church records. However, she might have witnessed baptisms for her grandchildren or other relatives; records of such events might turn up when researching her children. And sometimes (probably not in this case) a family had one of their children baptized in another place where earlier records exist (e.g., Kingston or New Amsterdam).
  • The Bergen County Families source cited in her profile doesn't report any baptims records for her or her children. However,  the cites an abstract of her husband's will (in the published Abstracts of Wills Filed in the Surrogate's Office, City of New York), which calls his wife "Katherine" (no last name). Apparently the abstract also indicates that a government record from 1724 said that "Catherine Van Hoes" died intestate. So there's a basis for making her Current Last Name "Van Hoes," if nothing else is found. [Note: See for access to the Bergen County Families materials.]
  • If no records can be found for her LNAB, since at least some of her siblings had patronymics, we could assume that she also had a patronymic name. It seems to me that "Caspers" (a feminine version of the patronymic name) would be a good choice for her LNAB, with Hallenbeck (and/or variant spellings) as an Other Last Name. But there are no pending merges for her; so there's no need to rush to change her LNAB.
by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

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