23&Me says I'm part of the J1C3 group King Richard III is a ascendant. Anyone else?

+8 votes
WikiTree profile: Richard II England
in The Tree House by Pamela Wells G2G2 (2.2k points)
I just got my results back from 23andMe and I am also related to Richard III

My paternal group is 

J2b1bI am also related to the Plantagenet family’s. My Mom had Scoliosis. Evidently only 1 in 2600 people who have taken this test are in this group 

I just found out I am also a descendant of King Richard III,  I live in Arizona and would like to hear from anyone if they have found out more.
Richard III was haplogroup G2.

He is my 16th great Uncle.
I am also related to Richard 3rd
Where do you find this info?  I can't find anything about famous ancestors on mine.
I'm related to him also. It says my haplogroup is J1c1b is rare among 23andMe customers.

1 in 16000 people share your haplogroup

Your haplogroup is rare among 23andme customers.
theres a thing called research
Thanks for sharing!
My haplogroup is j1b1a1e and he would be my 20th great grand uncle. Most that have any Welsh (Wales) seem to be related to him.

9 Answers

+7 votes
Of course they do. I must be asleep while typing here. So Richard's mother had the same haplogroup as Pamela.
Richard III's mother was Cicely Neville, youngest daughter of Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland, whose mother was John of Gaunt's extra-marital good friend Kate Roet, whose mother is unknown.

But they're stretching.  Richard III was J1c2.  They're saying J1c2 and J1c3 descend from a hypothetical common ancestor J1c, and were divided by a mutation about 13,000 years ago, so Pamela is about 500th cousin of Richard III, in the female line.  Though obviously she has much closer connections to him in other lines, as we all do.

Yes it's hard to believe people are selling this junk.

Mr. Horace:

While I am not knowledgable about this subject, this is what is posted at my 23 & Me website relevant to:

Maternal Haplogroup

You descend from a long line of women that can be traced back to eastern Africa over 150,000 years ago. These are the women of your maternal line, and your maternal haplogroup sheds light on their story.

Pamela, your maternal haplogroup is J1c3.

As our ancestors ventured out of eastern Africa, they branched off in diverse groups that crossed and recrossed the globe over tens of thousands of years. Some of their migrations can be traced through haplogroups, families of lineages that descend from a common ancestor. Your maternal haplogroup can reveal the path followed by the women of your maternal line.

Migrations of Your Maternal Line


180,000 Years Ago


65,000 Years Ago


59,000 Years Ago


57,000 Years Ago


34,000 Years Ago

Haplogroup L

 180,000 Years Ago

If every person living today could trace his or her maternal line back over thousands of generations, all of our lines would meet at a single woman who lived in eastern Africa between 150,000 and 200,000 years ago. Though she was one of perhaps thousands of women alive at the time, only the diverse branches of her haplogroup have survived to today. The story of your maternal line begins with her. 



Years Ago

Origin and Migrations of Haplogroup J1c3

Your maternal line stems from a branch of haplogroup J called J1c3. Haplogroup J1c3 is a relatively young branch of J that traces back to a woman who lived approximately 9,000 years ago. Her ancestors migrated into Europe from the Middle East as the Ice Age receded between 14,000 and 11,000 years ago. While J1c3 already existed in the west before the spread of agriculture, it likely expanded along with the farming populations as they moved west across the continent.

Today, J1c3 is found almost exclusively within Europe, and researchers speculate that the traces of J1c3 in the Middle East are due to eastward migrations of people much later in human history.



J1c3 is relatively common among 23andMe customers.

Today, you share your haplogroup with all the maternal-line descendants of the common ancestor of J1c3, including other 23andMe customers.

1 in 109

23andMe customers share your haplogroup assignment.

It was the University of Leicester who did the genetic work on the Richard III skeleton using mitochondrial DNA and they are extremely respected.
Thank you all for your comments.  Much is yet to be learned regarding Haplogroup.  I appreciate your input.


I agree with you Gillian Causier. Thanks for your posting.  laugh

+6 votes
He is my 7th cousin, 15 times removed. I guess we are related! Keep tracing the tree and you can get to the current royals. My 16th cousin Harry just got married! It is fascinating! Have fun!
by Dianne Miller G2G1 (1.1k points)
Thank you!
I am in the same group! thanks for posting this. I am fascinated and hope to connect the dots that are missing!
How do you find out? I did the 23 and me said I was related to King Richard III. How did u find out how? My email is laurahelton83@gmail.com I’m new to this. I want learn everything about my background.

Good luck on your research!  yes

+4 votes
What is Richard's last name please?
by JIm Walker G2G6 Mach 1 (12.9k points)
No, the family was Plantagenet. His father was the 3rd Duke of York, but that wasn’t the family’s last name.
I’m J1C.  Richards’s last name was Plantagenet. If you have Starz, watch the White Queen. It’s about the Cousin’s War. Richard was part of it.
+4 votes
Had gotten similar response on my report also however understood had ties to Roger Mortimer through investigation done by other researcher without using DNA on mothers side. Maybe but coincidence
+4 votes
23&Me gives my maternal haplogroup as J1c2.  It seems that Richard's mother was of the J1c group.  I take this to mean that those with the J1c"X" haplogroups descend from some woman thousands of years ago.
by Michelle Valent G2G6 (6.3k points)
Hello I was just watching Smithsonian on television, when the story of King RichardIII was on. I too am a descendant of King Richard from the maternal haplogroup J1C5
My MtDna is J1c5 do you have any family line details?. Thanks Steven.
+3 votes

20th great grand niece

by Kathy Donaldson G2G6 Mach 1 (16.7k points)
+3 votes
I am J1c3g according to National Geographic DNA test taken about 5 or more years ago. Also, I am 2.8% Neanderthal and 3.2 Denisonvan. I wrote to NatGeo and asked them what the "g" was for. I was told that "g" was under study at that time. Does anybody know what the "g" is for? Thanks- Kathy
by Kathy Bruyere G2G3 (3.2k points)
+3 votes
Richard III is my 6th Cousin 14Xs Rem, I get there by way of one of my 2 Viking Ancestors, Hrolfr the Ganger, Rollo, Robert I Duc de Normandie, which leads me to William, the Bastard, Duc de Normandie, I, King of England & on down to Richard! I'm Sorry I think that he got a bad Rap! I'm a Member of the Richard III Society! Good Luck & Be well, Jack MacDonald-Hilton
by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 4 (45.6k points)
+2 votes
I found out my Maternal Haplogroup is J1C3. My first cousin on mom's side did an MtDA test. We match on ancestry and other places.

Now what?
by Bonnie Day G2G6 Mach 2 (24.3k points)

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