Help with Brick Wall for Israel Shreve Beck of Columbiana, OH in 1800s

+4 votes

A rather frustrating brick wall exists for finding the parents of Israel Shreve Beck, who was born and raised and lived in Columbiana County, Ohio in the 1800s. His first and middle names "Israel Shreve" suggest a possible connection with Revolutionary War Colonel Israel Shreve, though none has so far been found, as of 20 May 2018.

WikiTree profile: Israel Beck
in Genealogy Help by Cynthia Larson G2G6 Pilot (185k points)

Page 710

Try Henry, son of Joseph Beck and Sarah Shreve. Henry died in Ohio

  • Henry Beck of Whetstone township Crawford County Ohio Being of sound mind and disposing memory being desired to settle my worldly affairs while I have strength and capacity so to do, make and publish this my last will and testimony hereby revoking and making void all former wills and testaments by me at any other time made. After my just debts and funeral charges is paid.  I give unto my beloved wife the mansion house, yard, and 2 cows and 1/3 of the proceeds of the farm while she lives, also the household goods with the beds and bedding. After her decease it is my will that they shall be divided between my sons James M. and David S. Beck I further give and bequest unto my son James M. Beck and his heirs forever the field that lies west of the Beman (?) road containing ten or twelve acres also 23 acres on the east side of my wood lot lying north of the Mansfield road and I also give and bequeath unto my son David S. Beck and his heirs forever all the land I own on the east side of the Beman road also the orchard on the west side of said rode also fifteen acres of woodland on the west side of my woodlot being north of the Mansfield road.  I also bequeath unto the aforesaid James M. and David S. Beck what stock or property I may have and it is my will that the said James and David shall pay jointly the several sums hereafter named - first two hundred dollars to Sarahan Van Voorhis and one hundred dollars to Henry Beck and 175 dollars to Israel Beck and seventy five dollars to Susan Carlile and 1 dollar to Bejamin M. Beck and 1 dollars to Austin P. Beck and I leave my son James M. Beck my Executor in testimony whereof I have set my hand and seal this 10 day of February 1851.

    Signed:  Henry Beck
    Witnesses:  Jacob Hester, John Decbler
    Approved by the Court:  1 April 1851


    transcribed from a copy from the Ohio Record of Wills (OH-16-1-118), Crawford County, Vol. 1, pages 188-189

Thank you for all this excellent research, which is most helpful!  I feel we are getting ever closer to making some kind of connection to Israel Shreve Beck's parents--yet I've not found definitive evidence of his father and mother. 

I'm especially intrigued by the mention of Israel Beck in Henry Beck's will--since clearly this indicates that Israel Beck was a person of some importance to Henry Beck--and this must be one and the same Israel Shreve Beck.  


Search Quaker Meeting Records. There are quite a few with Shreves and Becks together but I can't access Ancestry until I get another subscription
That's an excellent suggestion, Eddie!  I don't have Ancestry subscription now, either, but I think that's likely to produce some of the best information and leads... and possibly a definitive answer, too!

2 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
There is an Ancestry family tree (that has a number of sources attached) who lists your Israel Shreve Beck (1809-1854) as the son of Henry  Beck (1779-1851) and Mary Pancoast (1774-1819).  Also - Henry Beck is listed the son of Joseph Beck and Sarah Shreve, so that is a possible explanation for Israel's Shreve middle name :
by Ray Jones G2G6 Pilot (167k points)
selected by Cynthia Larson
Also - in this Ancestry tree, the famous Colonel Israel Shreve from the Revolutionary War is listed as the brother of Sarah (Shreve) Beck, and their parents are listed as Benjamin Shreve and Rebecca French.  So - this fits with your inference that Israel Shreve Beck must be related to Colonel Israel Shreve.

So - according to this tree, Colonel Israel Shreve was the great uncle of your Israel Shreve Beck.
Thank you, Ray!  Until I can include the source references, I'm not connecting these profiles--but now I've got sources to look for.  :-)
Sounds good.

I am an Ancestry subscriber, so let me know if you want to see anything in particular.  This man's tree is very well sourced.  It is impressive.
Just to start you off with some low hanging fruit that you can check on Familysearch, as you know, your Israel Beck was married in Columbiana, Ohio in 1833.  Here is Henry Beck (butchered in the transcription as "Hervey Beek") in Wayne, Columbiana, Ohio in the 1830 census:

Here is Henry Beck in the 1820 census in Wayne, Columbiana, Ohio:

Also - you are in luck when it comes to the Ohio tax records.  Columbiana is one of the counties they have indexed in the Ohio Tax Records 1800-1850.  A quick search shows that there are several entries for Henry Beck of Wayne, Columbiana, Ohio in the 1820s-1830s (maybe one of these will have an interesting note or two on the original record image):
That would be wonderful! I just need one solid source for Israel Shreve Beck's father and one for his mother, and I can connect them--thank you so much!
Thank you soooo much! When my comment posted, I realized you'd added more information; this is wonderful and so very much appreciated!
+6 votes
Israel S. Beck,His parents would be abt 50 when he married,likely they are

still alive when he married.Look thru all the pages of the 1850 Census.

Even his wife"s parents could be there.
by Wayne Morgan G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

That's a great suggestion--and when I run through those, I don't see many people in that age range reported in the US census 1850 living in Ohio.  I get about 40 results on that search, with most people aged 0-40, and not really anyone much over the age of 40.  This is just Ohio, though, and it's possible Israel Shreve Beck's parents might have been elsewhere. 

I've not yet been able to find Israel Shreve Beck's wife's parents in the 1850 US Census either; they are Lewis Lyder and Susanna (Bradfield) Lyder.

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