Any German-DNA Australian truckers in your family tree? and other DNA frustrations

+1 vote
I have a couple different issues here.

I have taken my DNA test on FamilyTreeDNA and added on GedMatch. I have a slew of  3rd to 5th and 4th to distant cousin matches who are Australian/New Zealanders and whose family tree is Australian/New Zealand until you get back to English/Scottish ancestors who immigrated there many generations back. I know a good bit about my more recent ancestors and am sure that from my great-grandparents down that no-one has been there expect my grandmother when she was well past having children. I know my 2% English DNA which doesn't line up with their's and 94% of the rest is likely German/West European. (4% came up as not statistically significant split between Finland and what has to be my Polish Robaskievicz DNA)
In fact, my first brick wall is my great-great-grandfather who was supposed to be a trucker that knocked up my great-great-grandmother. She was unwed and gave the baby to her married sister and her husband. Most of my searching is hoping to find out more about him. (The baby- my great-grandmother, is the profile I added below. She was given her uncle's surname Green at birth. Her aunts and mother's maiden name should be Lisk)

I also have a ton what are supposed to be 2-4th cousins and 3-5th cousins who I can only find a link 10 generations back. I do have one that I've found three different branches with links to- 10th cousins, 11th twice removed and I forget the third way. The DNA chunk should be too large to just be tiny bits from 10th-great-grandparents added together though.

I know my DNA didn't get swapped at the lab because I do have matches with known relatives. So either that trucker really got around, or somethings not adding up right.

So does anyone have any German-DNA Australian truckers in your family tree? Or similar problems with matches?
WikiTree profile: Marjorie Green
in Genealogy Help by Allison Schaub G2G6 Mach 1 (17.2k points)
No GDNAATs in my tree, but I've experienced the cousin-matching issue.  The DNA algorithms seem consistently to underestimate the distance to my Acadian cousins.  If they predict 4-5th cousin, it almost always turns out to be at least 6-8th.  Still, I think it would be interesting to run down 8) one of those truckers and see how the connection works.
Populations like the Acadians/Cajuns have a small gene pool, and you will likely share many ancestors with any other Acadian/Cajun person. That's likely why you're 6th and 8th cousins are appearing as 4th and 5th cousins. This is not the case for every ethnic group.

From my brick wall page : Out of 2046 possible ancestors in 10 generations, 378 (18.48%) have WikiTree profiles.
2/378 (0.53%) are duplicates due to pedigree collapse.
124 ancestors are missing at least one parent:

I don't think that's a high amount of pedigree collapse? It's really bothering me that I have what statistically should be closer matches due to DNA size. For instance, one match says I share 52 centigrams, with 11 being the largest block and that he should be fourth cousin- our only link is 11 generations back and his tree is more complete than mine. I lost the page he sent me on how much DNA to expect from how close of relationships.

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and couldn't go back to sleep until I started a matrix spreadsheet of Australian relatives and whether they matched each other and other matches. Its going to take a while to re-sort whose Australian though. 

Thankfully my dad finally decided to do DNA, so I'll hopefully be able to triangulate some stuff a little better.

I think that's a small amount of pedigree collapse.  But the stats and percentages only apply to the ancestors you know about.  72% of your tree is terra incognita.  When I see really large discrepancies between the predicted distance and the closest link I can find (like you describe), I suspect there might be a closer link behind one of those brick walls.

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