What is my name, what is my wifes maiden name, and who are my parents

+3 votes
Researching this family and came to a dead end.
I do not have an Ancestry subscription.

Can anyone help me flush out this family?
WikiTree profile: William Ward
in Genealogy Help by Lance Martin G2G6 Pilot (137k points)

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I think I have a couple of your answers. 

Several of the tress I found on ancestry state that your Unknown ward is actually William C Ward. Born 1850 • North Alton, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Most of the trees having him dying about 1880.

As far as his wife, she is listed as Margaret "Maggie" Jane Colwell.  Born NOVEMBER 24, 1853 • North Alton, Nova Scotia, Canada.  Died 01 FEB 1932 • Las Animas, Bent County, Colorado, USA

Now ancestry trees' can be unreliable at times.  But we have several things to back this up.  There is a Colwell family living right next door. to the ward family in 1880.  They are from Nova Scotia as well.   It appears that the William Colwell living next door is Margaret's older brother. 

In fact her is Maggie in the 1871 Canada Census.

"Canada Census, 1871," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M48B-F3H : 11 March 2018), Maggie J Colwell in household of James Colwell, Kentville, King's, Nova Scotia, Canada; citing p. 39, line 2; Library and Archives Canada film number C-10541, Public Archives, Ottawa, Ontario; FHL microfilm 2,229,129.

Now Margaret appears to have married a 2nd time after her husband died to one James Woodman. 

In fact we find her in the 1895 Kansas Census. 

M J woodman.  Born 1854 in Nova Scotia. 

Further backing his up is the presence of a 15 year old P. Ward in the same house.  That would fit perfectly with Parke Ward, who was born in 1879.

here is the reference.

"Kansas State Census, 1895", database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QL8J-8B7K : 12 November 2017), M J Woodman in entry for J B Woodman, 1895.

I mentioned above that the Colwell family next to the Ward's in 1880 is that of Maggie's brother William.  That appears to be so.  If you look in Williams find a grave entry, you will find a copy of his rather detailed obit.  In that it mentions several sisters, one of which being Mrs. Maggie Woodman of Colorado.

Here is the link for the find a grave entry.


Now back to William, it's a safe bet he's from the same town the Colwells are from.  A couple of trees have his parents as Ebenezer and Elizabeth (English) Ward.

What I've given you should help you along your way.  As I said, ancestry trees can be unreliable at times, but from what I've found so far, the ones in the case appear to be correct.

I hope this all helps.


by Craig Albrechtson G2G6 Pilot (109k points)
selected by Lance Martin
Awesome Craig.. Thanks!!!
You're welcome.  One further note, while she is listed as W C in the 1880 census, if you look at the letters closely they could actually be M and a J.

If you look at the census page, for "W C." take a look at the census entry 3 lines up.

It is for a 16 year old girl named Margaret. A neighbor presumably.  But the M in her first name looks a lot like the W in W C.  Knowing her name is actually Margaret I content that's not a W, it's in fact a M.

I'd be willing to bet the C is actually a badly written J which would stand for Jane.
Makes sense, but it also makes sense that she referred to herself as W. C., wife of.

Many women used their husband's names.

PS. I cited you in the profiles. If you do not want that, feel free to remove.

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