"Unlisted" privacy level prevents editing

+14 votes
I've been trying to encourage my sister to add her in- laws to Wiki Tree and make contributions to family members that I have already profiled.  She is a "novice" WikiTree genealogist, but enthusiastic and learning the rules and procedures.   She talked to a 91 yo uncle the other day and wanted to add something to his profile, but couldn't make any progress.  When I went to his profile I found it was "Unlisted" privacy level,  (no public information, name won't appear in search results or directories).  Where did this come from?  I usually make the designation Private with public biography and family tree for living relatives.  If you want to encourage family members to participate, isn't this the wrong privacy level?
WikiTree profile: Tom Cygnor
in WikiTree Help by Bob Hanrahan G2G6 (9.4k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Profiles of living people who aren't members have had to be changed to Unlisted due to the European Union's new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Since you are the profile manager for Tom Cygnor's profile, you can edit it, and you can add other members as additional trusted list members (or profile managers) so they can edit the profile, too. Use the Privacy tab on his profile to add your relative to the Trusted List.
Thanks to all who commented so quickly about the GDPR changes.  I will add my sister to the "trusted list" or as a co manager.


3 Answers

+11 votes

The thread linked below should explain the situation. This is the result of the new privacy laws in the EU.


by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

Also check out the GDPR FAQ

+9 votes
Hello Bob, all Living profiles have been set to unlisted, If you are the profile manager then you have full access to your unlisted profiles. I have just been updating some of my unlisted profiles without any problems.

To the best of my knowledge, if you invite your sister to Wikitree and add her to your trusted list, providing she is a full Wikitree member having signed the Honour code, she should be able to update the profile
by Shaun Doust G2G6 Pilot (364k points)
+15 votes
Oddly, I know of more than a few of my ancestors who fought in a war to remove themselves from the laws and rules enforced upon them by a European power about 240 years ago???

Oh well, I guess you can't fight City Hall or the Hague in this instance.

One question, since this rule only affects living people, are phone books illegal in Europe now?  Just wondering.... wink, wink
by LJ Russell G2G6 Pilot (225k points)

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